Oct 17, 2020
Good Morning,
You have a story that has been written before time. You have an agreement to experience and tell your story. This is your path, the path you chose. The story has been place in motion and will stay in motion until it is experience and/or witnessed. This is your cup, the cup you chose.
Your story is about expression and discovery. It is an adventure, a lesson, a path towards unfolding the truth. This moment is your expression, the expression you chose.
You have a thread that connects you to all things, all knowledge and all stories of the past, present and future. It is the moment and the moment is the “NOW”. All things happen in a single moment…your moment.
Your moment tells your story, the discovery of you. You have been given all the tools you need to witness, express and experience your story. How you perceive and experience your story is your choice. How you drink from your cup is your choice. Are you immersed in your story or outside of it? Do you see the purpose or are you still confused?
Life is not about a race to the top of some conceived nonsensical mountain. This is a false truth of the human ego. Life is not about status or what material things you have acquired. Life is not about what the world thinks of you. Your life is about your story and how you tell it, how you live it and how you discover the truth about you. The key is, no one knows you, better than you. You can’t judge what you do not know and no one knows you, better than you. Judgement is between you and GOD. Because GOD bears witness to all stories and knows all things, even you. Those that judge in this world are bound to this world and do not know Spirit. Their ignorance fueled by Ego is displayed by their actions. Their Ego claims to have knowledge equal or greater than GOD.
Events in your life are not good or bad, but manifest themselves as expressions of your perception within that moment. Your thread does not witness time, it only perceives the moment and in that moment, GOD is and You are.
How you understand your thread at that moment is how you define and know yourself. This is the truth of your story, the story created for you.