The Constructs of Human Thinking
March 12, 2020
Good Morning,
I practice the teachings of Jesus through a spiritual ministry (words without sound). My faith is not blind, it is an insight through personal events that I have experienced. I witness what I believe to be true, therefore, I personally validate my doctrine. I ask no one to embrace my doctrine unless they have witness a similar event to enable them the insight of the truth. One’s actions will always lead to one’s truth. Remember, man’s words can be twisted, but GOD’s words are steadfast. This is the difference between the constructs of man and the constructs of GOD.
You would ask, how do I know what I witness is true? I would answer…GOD speaks of Community and Service. GOD speaks of Forgiveness, Acceptance and Love. GOD is abundance and is without want. Any variant of the above is a twist of the TRUTH.
So ask yourself, Is this in service of GOD? Is this in service of others? Is this forgiveness? Is this acceptance? Is this love? The Truth will rise to the surface of the muck and outshine the ignorance and arrogance of man’s construct.