When you are in the moment of ALL moments
And witness the nothingness of ALL Things
Then you will realize the Infinity of GOD
This is the understanding of the Known and Unknown
The Truth within the Word…”I AM”
ALL Things resonate
ALL Things sing into BEing
GOD transforms the Song
This is the Truth of BEing
To know yourself in Being, is to know yourself in GOD
To know yourself in GOD, is a unique individual discovery of “I AM”
The song of BEing defines yourself: in form, in field, in spirit…each octave rises in glory, “I AM”
“I AM” is the Truth within the moment. GOD unfolds the moment of BEing within the purview of your belief. This is your communion with ALL things, the understanding of your landscape within the moment. Your belief limits your perception, your understanding of your witness of the now. This is how you view yourself in limit or liberation. For “In GOD”, ALL Things are possible, only you can deny what is given freely. GOD IS and GOD WILL ALWAYS BE.
GOD is Love, GOD is Knowing, GOD is Will, GOD is Transformation, GOD is Peace, GOD is Witness, GOD is Infinity and GOD is ALL Things. You are part of ALL Things and You are part of GOD. Without the Word (Song of GOD), you cannot exist. Energy can not be created nor destroyed…it transforms, it rises and lowers in octave…I AM, You Are and GOD IS…the chords within the song of the WORD. The supreme note is GOD and ALL other variations are the derivative of the ONE.
The denial of the “I AM”, is to embrace the resonance of form and fear. To claim a half truth, to claim the known and stay blind within the veil that shadows the unknown…this is your choice, to allow the world to define you, to see things in fear and ego, to struggle within the illusion of the landscape you called forth in claim. This is your choice…The lie you tell yourself, is your own limitation and denial of GOD. This is your relationship unto yourself and unto GOD. This is the understanding of the Truth in BEing.
Rise to your knowing:
Know who you are in Truth
Know what you are in Truth
Know how you serve in Truth
And make the claim above the known, “I AM”