Dec 1, 2020
Good Morning,
You cannot understand what you do not know. You cannot know what you have not experienced and/or witnessed. To understand the presence of GOD, you must experience and/or witness GOD. This is the truth of all things, especially GOD.
GOD is a personal and unique communion between you and the Universal Consciousness that gives awareness to the infinite existence of ALL things. Your path is yours and yours alone. There are no earthly books that can show you your path to GOD. There are no stories that will provide a direct route to heaven, other than your own. Unfortunately, you are unfolding and witnessing your story now. The irony of the search for heaven is in your awareness. You stand before the door of heaven everyday. GOD is as close to you as the breath that rolls across your lips. You can read a book and gain insight towards a concept, but until you experience that possibility, until you gain the knowledge of truth to make you believe without question, you will be limited to that level of belief. No story or words from a book will convince you otherwise. Therefore, you need to experience or witness GOD to truly believe in GOD. This is the simple truth to the lost question, “Who Am I ?”.
You loose the Truth when you believe GOD is without yourself. The Truth is, GOD is within yourself. You need to bring your awareness to the Truth. The shift in perception is like pouring water from one container to another, the water doesn’t change, just the shape. The water’s form can be perceived differently, but the essence is still the same. Your awareness is in a container of perception. If you expand it, you will gain greater insight. This insight will give you a new experience with GOD. These events along your path will slowly move you towards an awareness of greater belief. A belief without question, to have faith in GOD, you must believe in GOD. A belief without query, a belief without compromise. How can you believe in something you have not witnessed or experienced? Where is the Truth in Ignorance?
Ignorance executed Jesus Christ and ignorance binds you to this world. You are a vibrational being whose higher consciousness holds the form of your awareness.
GOD is the source of you. You do not exist without the source. GOD is the knowledge of ALL that exist. A moment, your moment, cannot resonate without GOD. Even in the stillness of the mind, the Word of GOD is Present. Just like the source of a mighty river is shaped by the lay of the land. Your expression of GOD is shaped by your belief and witnessed through your awareness. You believe therefore you are. That is the gift of GOD, the awareness of the moment and the Truth of who you are. You must step outside your tiny belief to perceive and experience the greater picture. GOD has no limits, so why are you limited? The answer is simple…what are you thinking right now? How long will you embrace your ignorance? Do you have a choice or is your present situation your choice. Because, GOD is unlimited, GOD is abundance, GOD is forgiveness and GOD is love.
How do you experience what you do not know? Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
The Key has always been right in front of you, Call upon GOD and GOD will answer. But will you listen to GOD or continue to listen to the mediocrity of the global human consciousness and the desires of your Ego. Along your path, you can listen to everyone, read anything and everything. Yet for you, only pieces of what you gather may make sense. Some pieces may not work at all or appear completely wrong. This is where communion with GOD and spiritual ministry step into your path and expand your knowledge. To step above the flesh and listen to the spirit. To hear the words without sound, your personal experience of the Truth and your communion with GOD.
This path is yours and yours alone. Your answers can be shared, but may not be received. This is not about being right or wrong, it is about discovering the Truth of GOD within. It is about being you. When someone challenges you and states that they have “the way” and it does not resonate with you, this is a test of your knowledge, of your belief and your witness of GOD. The challenge, is the way of Ego and not the WAY of GOD. To argue is to lower your resonance to match theirs. So, smile in acceptance and walk away from ignorance. In the height of his demise, Jesus spoke of Forgiveness when he said, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. You are clearly defined by your actions and that definition reveals the knowledge of the Truth. Don’t let your perception of things along your path get in your way. Stay focused and relaxed. GOD does not make mistakes, therefore, you are in the perfect place at the perfect time. GOD will alway show you the proper path, but you need to stay out of GOD’s way and let GOD work through you.
The Grace of GOD is about coming into the Light of Truth and discovering you.
The Gift of GOD is about your unique expression that you define as “You” along your journey.
The Will of GOD is about learning and acceptance of the cup you have been given. This is your lesson, the acceptance of the Will brings greater understanding of the Truth and the perception of yourself in relation to the world.
The Word of GOD is the Source of ALL Things.
The Way of GOD is a simple trilogy: Love, Forgive and Accept. — Share GOD’s Love Everyday, Practice Forgiveness with Everyone and Teach Acceptance in Every Moment.
You are never alone, for GOD is always with you. Your belief in the Truth is your hurdle. To believe without question is your goal.
GOD is abundance and delivers to those who believe. You have no limits within GOD.
GOD will listen, then answer those who make the effort to listen. Grace is upon those who commune with GOD.
Remember, you can share these words but not everyone will listen — Amen