February 20, 2022
Good Morning,
You are a witness to the Truth. Your understanding is the level of your perception and vibration. The Word flows through ALL Things and ALL Things are the Word. In your own position, how you witness through the alignment of the Christ Vibration is your understanding of the Truth. The Light of the Christ shines through everyone. This makes everyone worthy of Love, GOD’s LOVE. There has never been an exception and will never be an exception. This is the discovery of the witness, to understand the Truth. We are One Light of One Source and the ‘I AM’ is the Truth of you. An understanding you forgot about, but always had. The Word has no want or need. You are the Word in a manifested expression of flesh. A gift from GOD, a journey to discover and rise in awareness. You are the Light, how you choose to conceal or display your Truth, is exactly that, your choice. You can only be what you choose to be. Any excuse of no choice is a lie from Ego. If you wish to be the light of the world, then call it forth and raise all of those around you in the Christ Vibration. For those who raise shall be risen and those who serve shall be free. You are a witness, an emissary of the Word. You are a beacon that can raise the awareness of those around you through the witness of your choice. Witness and serve others and the Light of the Kingdom shall be yours. See the Truth in yourself, see the Truth in others and bring into manifestation the Kingdom within yourself. The Kingdom is Here and Now. You are here, Be in the Now. Proclaim to the World, ‘I am here!’ The time is Now and the choice is yours. Give Glory to All That Is and All That Shall Ever Be.
I witness you as your Truth, may the Light of the Word dispel the shadows you hide and reveal the Truth in you, to you. May you awaken from your sleep to behold the Kingdom and the Glory of All Things we know as GOD.