July 11, 2020
Good Morning,
Experience brings insight, insight brings Truth and Truth brings Grace. What is Grace? Grace is the insight that you are more than you consciously believe. Your belief (perception of your thinking) defines your reality. Your belief combined with your intention (conscious or unconscious) creates the path you walk upon. This is the Will of GOD. You are in the perfect place at the perfect moment to witness and express the Holy Spirit. This is the Grace of GOD. Do you wish to walk in Grace, the choice is yours.
Ask Yourself This: Do you believe GOD is Perfect…Do you truly believe GOD is Perfect?
Perfection is the condition, state or quality of being free from all flaws or defects. Incapable of making mistakes. Perfection is incapable of creating imperfection. Therefore, perfection can only create perfection. Think about this…GOD created you. Thus, you are perfect. Any other statement contradicts the belief of perfection. Either your personal belief is false or you have a misconception of personal perception. There are many false societal beliefs and doctrines that are considered true. So how do you weed through the muck to find the source.
Jeremiah 33:3, call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
1 Corinthians 6:19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, a gift you have received from GOD?
John 2:21 The temple he had spoken of, was his body.
You exist in two states: conscious or unconscious, asleep or awake, ignorant or enlightened, spiritual or mundane. Whatever nomenclature works for you. The truth is, you can’t understand what you haven’t witnessed. You can’t express what you haven’t experienced. Unfortunately, you have been manipulated and conditioned to accept the mundane. This is the way of EGO. EGO’s power lies within the flesh. You are a unique expression of GOD and EGO is a unique expression of you. EGO is the King of the Narcissist. Yet, EGO if understood, is a learning tool towards the path to freedom. You are forged by the fire of experience and shaped by the hammer of events along your journey. People refer to EGO as the devil or Satan. They want a third party to blame for their choices, their actions, their baggage along their journey. It is so easy to blame someone or something else for events they choose not to claim. Always remember, there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. Truth is GOD has no EQUAL and Satan is laughable. Satan’s power comes from the individual intention of your expression. You think and believe and therefor it is. Let me reiterate, NOTHING IS GREATER THAN GOD! GOD is everything, every moment, every thought, every experience…GOD is. GOD is a sentient energy(vibration) that is the source of all things. Nothing exist without GOD. The Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. This is your relationship with GOD. The gift you have been given. When you say, you are created in the likeness of GOD, so is a waterfall, a bumble bee, a blade of grass, a dew drop, a summer breeze that caresses your skin. Because Everything is GOD. If you step away from the mundane, you would see the beauty of the Truth and feel the freedom of GOD’s Love. Nirvana right where you stand — Amen.
May every step you take, reveal the rainbows in your life.