The Quintessential Human Moment

Dominic Crain
5 min readJul 23, 2023


Only One Will I Serve

June 27, 2023

Good Morning,

The Quintessential Human Moment happens when you understand and embrace the Truth…what is the Truth?

You have denied GOD, yet GOD shall not deny you. How do you deny GOD? By your claims of separation in the form of judgement. When you judge yourself and others, you judge GOD. When you deny yourself and others, you deny GOD. GOD is the Expression of ALL Things known and unknown. You are an expression of GOD. To say that GOD is not you and that you are separate, is the denial of the Truth.

There are only two true understandings of you…yours and GOD’s. All other understandings and/or claims are irrelevant, unless you claim them relevant…then they become yours. GOD does not need to claim, for GOD Exists…GOD is. Claiming is a human thought process. GOD does not think, GOD KNOWS. So in your understanding, if you think you know yourself, then you truly do not know yourself…knowing is claiming I AM, This is ME.

The Kingdom of Heaven has always been in the space that you reside. You deny the Kingdom as strongly as you deny GOD. The moment you step forth into acceptance and walk away from denial, is the moment the doors of the Kingdom will reveal themselves to you. You are the cage and the key of your relationship with GOD. No one knows you, because no one can be you. You are unique and within that uniqueness is the unity of All things.

As a people, as with many people, the denial of GOD is sublime. Yet, this is a misconception, through fear, control, want, desire of the outward limitations of thought and not the inward understanding of knowing. This is the collective thought form, an empty chamber of the liked minded. In this homogenous and limited ideology, you are prime for manipulation and consumption. Happiness comes from within, not without. To BE you, is to BE all of you. To BE in GOD is to truly BE. This is your song of Truth…I AM and GOD IS.

Your belief, is the lens you view through to define your landscape. It is the purview of choice you make through your understanding of the Truth.

A statement of spiritual movement:

I am a BEing, capital B, capital E, ing. I am unlimited in potential, I am unlimited in possibilities, I am unlimited in choice and I am unlimited through GOD. However, I have limited myself through my understanding of my Truth and the claims I make within the moment. Therefore, In GOD, With GOD and Through GOD, I shall choose to experience, discover and express myself in the greatest Truth I understand within my moment…I choose to BE, me. Do You Understand This? You are a witnessed moment within Infinity, threaded through the Unity of ALL Things, known and unknown, an Expression of GOD.

Remember, GOD does not choose, GOD is choice. Your moment of choice is your divine right of BEing. Choice within the moment, is how you express yourself. There isn’t a wrong or right way. There’s just the moment you witness and how you experience that moment within the scope of your purview. GOD is the Expression of ALL Things, you are an expression of GOD. Your existence is about discovery, witness and expression of BEing you. The expression of the divine self, the unfoldment of the moment and your choice within that moment to claim your right to BE. Your moment is one step closer to your Truth.

Quiet yourself and follow the notes of the Song… GOD’s Song(The Word, The Source, The Presence, etc.) is a wavelength of transformative energy. A high vibration that sings of Love, Joy and Acceptance. The threads ripple throughout infinity transforming and expressing “The WILL of GOD”. The concept of humanity forms a collective consciousness that is based upon a global acceptance of world definition. GOD’s Song is modulated in lower frequencies of anger, envy, fear, etc. and woven into a new construct, humans call the physical realm. The global claim only embraces those who choose to claim it. Choose a new song of peace, love and joy.

Stop claiming you can’t, when you know you can.

The claim you make is the limit that you choose upon yourself. See the Truth within you and the denial of your claim, this will expand the scope of your purview within the landscape that you witness. You will clearly understand, GOD does not deny you…unfortunately, you deny yourself. Your Truth, your understanding and the lens that you view the moment of witness within your landscape is derived from:

  1. The level of your denial unto GOD and unto yourself
  2. The claims that you make (consciously or unconsciously).
  3. Your acceptance of the ideologies that reside in the global consciousness and the acceptance of other claims.
  4. The understanding, GOD does not choose, GOD is choice and the choice is yours.

5) Your belief through the experience you witness. This is a belief without doubt.

6) The Song you sing to through your Expression.

7) Your BEing in the Moment

Unity comes from GOD, individual expression comes from you. The Presence of GOD is Everything Known and Unknown. Your denial of GOD, your lack of understanding the Moment, is your claim of self expression.

What you claim comes to you…if you claim persecution, then you are persecuted, if you claim stupidity, then you are stupid, if you claim obesity, then you are fat, If you claim separation, then you are in denial of GOD.

You are here to Witness, Experience, Discover and Express.

  1. Witness the unfoldment of the moment you are in.
  2. Experience the choices that you make within the moment
  3. Discover the Truth of who you are
  4. Express the Truth of your Knowing as your Divine right to BE

GOD is the Expression of All Things, you are an expression of GOD

GOD is the Witness of All Things, seen and unseen, known and unknown, you are the witness of your unfoldment.

GOD is Transformation, GOD has no want or need.

Find a place to BE you and ask to be shown the TRUTH and the Kingdom of Heaven will unfold upon you. You are your greatest Truth and GOD is the TRUTH of ALL THINGS.

In your self, through GOD, you will find your Truth and the Oneness of All Things. Then this statement will become clear…Only One Will I Serve.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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