Dominic Crain
4 min readAug 1, 2021



July 31, 2021

Good Morning,

Today, I write the words of self and find myself on the front porch and a cup of coffee in hand. There is a sense of peace inside of me, a love of All Things. I hear the Words without sound, telling me everything is okay and the world is perfect. This is my place, a place without fear, want or chaos. This is my inner child, my true self. This connection is the knowing and in time, can be the knowing of All Things. I have experienced many moments, when I speak without thought and act without consequence, that I am in the Spiritual Zone. This is the perfect moment, the perfect place to express myself exactly the way I intended. This is the true definition of me. This is the place where I see the beauty in people, the beauty in myself and the beauty in the moment. This is the unconditional Acceptance of All Things without Judgement. Acceptance of self, Acceptance of others and the Acceptance of the exact position I am in at that moment.

Me, Myself and I are in the perfect position to express ourselves. Part of the hurdle is to love, accept and forgive yourself. The other part is to understand your wheelhouse and to express and share your gifts. You can only fail yourself, when you lie to yourself. Acceptance is about understanding the Truth. It is about taking responsibility for who you truly are and sharing it with the world…only you know you. Ignorance defines your level of understanding that you are the “I AM” of the Universal Constant, many call GOD. You are Spirit and Spirit is about discovery. It is about experiencing and embracing an event. Spirit is fluid in nature, a ripple of energy, a fine vibration, it does not need structure nor definition, because it just “IS”…All Things and All Moments. The human experience is tied to the physical and is manipulated by Ego…your Ego. Ego wants hierarchy, so it can place and define things in a structure, class, etc. Good and bad, top and bottom, winner or loser, it doesn’t matter, it molds a group ideology of labels to define and create a structure of control. To buy into the mold of Ego is to limit yourself. This is part of the lie you tell yourself daily and each day you reinforce the baggage you carry.

Everything you need in this precise moment is within yourself and not outside of yourself.

Any deviant from that italicized statement is a lie. A limitation you place upon yourself. Go ahead, keep telling yourself: “I am fat”, “I am ugly”, “It is what it is”, “It’s a man’s world”, “I’m not happy”, “They are holding me back”, “I can’t get ahead”, “I can’t find a job”, “I just need a drink”,”I’m not good enough”, “I wish I was them”, “I feel overwhelmed”…It is always someone, some doctrine or something outside of yourself. This is a very narrow viewpoint of your path, an excuse to keep your baggage. Actually, it is you and your understanding of the Truth about yourself. Your wheelhouse, your gifts, your experiences and how you wish to express and define the entire package, that you call “You”. Remember, a relationship should be a complement not a dependency. This includes the relationship with yourself. You must strive to be a stand alone package. A true me, myself and I, that expresses and defines itself in all the glory that the inner Spirit has given you. You have every tool you need to experience every event along your path. So why are you selling yourself short? Ask your inner self? Remember, if you ask, you need to listen and sometimes, what you hear may not be what you want to hear. Nonetheless, This is part of the understanding of the moment and the power of the knowing. This is the belief of yourself being part of the Universal Constant and trusting the Words without sound. No one is exactly the same. You are a unique expression of the Universal Constant traveling down a path that is designed explicitly for you. You may be similar in certain respects to someone else, however, at the end of the day, everyone has a nuance or two that is theirs and theirs alone. Your wheelhouse is designed for your path, so listen to your knowing, travel down your path, discovered who you are, embrace that discovery and express it every moment of everyday. This is the way of Spirit, the unfoldment of understanding towards the Universal Truth…I AM.

The human experience is only limited by the understanding of the Truth. Knowledge is gained by searching outside your current perception (the lies of Ego) and diving inside to the whispers of Truth. You cannot know, what you don’t understand and you can’t understand what you haven’t witnessed or experienced. This is the way of the knowing. What you perceive, you believe and what you believe is the Truth you embrace…the reality of your relationship with the Universe.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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