Dominic Crain
3 min readMar 7, 2021



Feb 27, 2021

Good Morning,

You perceive a moment as a successive sequence of an experienceable event traveling along a linear line. The linear line of your story will normally contain a past, present and future structure. The perception of this line is perpetual and is identified by two components: one called time and the other a set of dimensional coordinates called space. Time and space are observed features of the physical plane. Stories in the physical plane are identified by time and space and are labeled along a linear line of time or “timeline”

GOD does not perceive a timeline. All events happen simultaneously in a single moment of GOD. Therefore, GOD bears witness to all things and knows the Truth of all things. Because all things happen as the same moment: The Past, The Present and The Future. As you witness, your moment, that moment is fulfilled, this is your relationship with GOD. GOD can create an infinite number of moments with an infinite number of outcomes and place your consciousness in an infinite number of events. An event for you to bear witness and experience. All of this is happening in a single moment, a moment you choose to embrace. A moment, that is placed on a linear line that you perceive as reality. This is the paradox of your belief, the ignorance of your existence, the imprint of your birth that is reinforced by the social/global consciousness of humankind. This ideology subconsciously embraces the joys and wants of Ego. A myopic thinking process of your limited self.

This process leans towards a definition of you as a “being of flesh”, instead of a “being of Spirit”. When you embrace the lie, you give into the global mantras; “that’s just the way it is”, “we are all sinners”, “life is a bitch and then we die”, etc. Only you can break that train of thought and seek the Truth. Knowledge and experience on a personal level from Spiritual insight is the only way to supersede the bonds of the lie. The limited perception of the flesh cannot conceive the moment of GOD. It must be experienced and realized through the limitless perception and unlimited unfolding of the Spirit. There are many layers between the flesh and the Spirit that filter the Truth. You must be willing to peel back each layer to truly understand the Truth. It is synonymous with wearing a pair of glasses with the wrong prescription. You can put them on and see what is around you but the images are somewhat blurry. Since you haven’t experience anything different, you believe this is the way of the world. Until, one day, someone hands you a pair of glasses that have the perfect prescription, then the Truth is shown and the beauty and nuances of the world are revealed. In absolute dismay, tears of Joy will roll down your face and the LOVE of GOD displayed. This moment is the segue of your spiritual journey and the conscious realization of GOD.

Your timeline on the Earth plane is perceived as linear, however, it is not two dimensional. It is multi-dimensional, similar to a braided molecular thread of streaming moments that we step through, one moment at a time. You can move left, right, top, bottom, etc…your choice. Now envision this, you take that thread and weave in into a braid with other spiritual travelers. Now individual moments touch or overlap to form shared moments. These experiences can last a moment or a lifetime, depending on the individuals. In many instances the threads veer off and later reconverge at another point in time. Your perception, is the moment along the thread. GOD’s perception is the coil of the complete braid from end to end. GOD can move to any point along the braid, GOD knows the beginning and the end and GOD sees All Things and all outcomes. From time to time, GOD may nudge you from one moment to another to assist you along your path. Nonetheless, the choice is yours — Amen.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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