December 6, 2020
Good Morning,
Your lessons in life are like the journey of a trout navigating up a series of waterfalls, to make its way back home to spawn. You negotiate each hurdle to move closer to the Truth about yourself, your personal spiritual journey home. The cascade is easy to go down, yet the task is to move up. There will be people along the way, that’ll either want to pull you down, persuade you to stay in the pool you are in or give you a hand to pull you up towards the next pool. The latter, are the ones who hold a greater knowledge and have an expanded awareness. They move as the Spirit calls. They are the ones of action without thinking and understand the purpose of the Will. Divine vessels of the greater consciousness. You go through life trying to discover who you are or what’s your purpose and find that through the mediocrity there are unanswered questions and confusion. The blind leading the blind, perceived icons falling from their pedestals and failing your ideals. So where does this lead you? How do you experience this Divine State of being? How do you move past Isaiah 55 and into the Way of GOD.
Isaiah 55:8–9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55 is not a reprimand, Isaiah 55 is a key to a path. An insight to the direction of choice you have between flesh or Spirit. The real question is, do you see the Truth within the Words or are you still wallowing in the muck of ignorance, embraced in the fear of human consciousness, the weakness of the mediocrity that claim, “if two bear witness, it must be true”. Your lesson is to become more, not physically, but spiritually. So your ways are GOD’s Ways and your thoughts are GOD’s Thoughts. This is the Will to bring heaven to earth. You are a frequency of expression and perceive a state of solidness. Yet, you are fluid and in constant motion. Yes, the heavens are much higher than the earth, but does that construe distance or frequency? Is heaven a place out of reach or are you right in the middle of it as you stare at these words? Would it be apropos to say, “what you bear witness, must be your Truth”. Therefore your cup, your lesson, is yours and yours alone. Only you can bear witness to the journey GOD has set before you. This means that only you and GOD know the Truth about you. Because GOD bears witness to ALL THINGS. Therefore, your belief in GOD must be derived from the witness borne by you along your journey. You bear the lesson of the journey in the darkness of ignorance to emerge in the light of knowledge and Truth. This unfoldment is the Way of GOD. GOD will come upon all that call, the only discrimination is your ignorance and your belief in the Truth. You must believe to receive.
Your path must be traveled. This is the Will of GOD. This is the agreement you made before the womb. So you have a choice on how to experience your commitment: 1. You can fight it tooth and nail, until you’re called, 2. You can reluctantly accept and be miserable until you’re called, or 3. You can see the beauty in the gift that has been given, understand the purpose of the lesson and enjoy the experience of your journey. Really, it’s your choice.
May the Light of GOD cast away the shadows of your ignorance, may you understand the purpose of GOD’s Will and see the Beauty of GOD along your journey home - Amen