Dominic Crain
4 min readDec 27, 2020



December 21, 2020

Close your eyes and quiet the mind. In the stillness of the black screen is a glimpse of Infinity. In its pure sense, it is GOD’s true form. GOD is the vibration of ALL vibrations. Therefore, GOD can be perceived as emptiness, yet, GOD is everything. The Beauty and Power of GOD is as phenomenal as a single sound that takes shape and expands into a vast universe. Infinity represents all the infinite vibrations of the one, in a single absolute moment. Each moment being witnessed as a new discovery of your awareness, either conscious, subconscious or unconscious.

Your soul is a derivative of GOD. Just as your physical body is a derivative of your soul. Each vibration cascades in a unique vibratory signature. Signatures that border each other can interact and perceive each other. The boundary does not have dimensional limitations, yet, can be perceived and construed as constrained by the witness. Each derivative is a layer of creation that is bound by rules. Just like the rules that are applied to the physical plane. You can bend the rules by sliding between derivatives. Sliding is expanding the focal perception of your awareness to a peripheral state of awareness. It is stepping out of your current signature to the adjacent signature. This is achieved by your level of understanding infinity and communing with GOD. Each vibration is capable of universal creation and there are no limitations within or without GOD. Unfortunately, because of the witness of time in the physical plane we have been conditioned to believe in beginnings and endings, a concept to help us tell stories. At the perceived end you reach Infinity, however, you will never find an end, because there never was a beginning…There has just always been. This is the Infinity of GOD and the paradox of yourself.

The problem with most individuals, they are too concerned about trying to understand and conquer what is perceived to be outside of them (the physical world) and not what is inside of them (the spirit within). The more you try to prove the physical world, the more you become bound to it. You believe, therefore you are and paint the path before you. An irony can be found in how you travel your path. All the freedom of GOD’s Love trapped in a teeny tiny jar that you uniquely created for yourself. Your thoughts, your words, your deeds, all the vibration to paint your world into a wondrous unlimited expression of your True Self. Yet, you sit looking and wanting through the glass of the jar by the door, the jar you created.

Remember, absolute belief precedes form and in that moment, you are bound by your belief.

Most religions do not teach freedom, they teach constraint. In their ignorance or cunning, they teach a false doctrine that goes against the teachings of Jesus. Herding their disciples into the pocket of religious real-estate and profiting from what is perceived as salvation. Giving a fish for the moment in blind faith, instead of teaching the art of fishing and experiencing GOD in witnessed belief. Jesus taught a spiritual doctrine of self communion with GOD. The greed of the Ego has tainted the truth and focused the service of Ego instead of the service of GOD.

John 4:23–24 The true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. GOD is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

GOD is abundance, therefore you are a derivative of abundance. Do you understand the relationship or do you wish to continue living the lie? You have the knowledge that you are the artist of your existence and paint your world as you believe. When you let go of the physical definition of yourself and surrender to the Spiritual definition of yourself, you find the spiritual teachings of Jesus and the path to GOD. The question is…do you really want to know GOD or do you wish to just play out your Ego at a perceived higher status? You can be in the world or of the world, this has always been your choice. Communion with GOD will lead you to the former of being “in the world”, expanding your awareness and gaining a greater understanding of self. The latter of being “of the world”, is just what it is…negotiating the human global consciousness and desires of Ego. Again, the choice is yours.

In spiritual teachings, Infinity is a good place to start. You must witness GOD to believe in GOD. Anything less is a false hope that cannot be realized, because, it does not have a sound foundation and Ego can dispute it effortlessly. So you must rise from unconsciousness to subconsciousness and eventually consciousness. This is a gradual process and is accomplished one witnessed step at a time. The ultimate belief is only accomplished through the witness of Truth. You cannot understand what you haven’t experienced. Thus, your goal should be the witness of Divine Expression and self discovery.

Find a comfortable place to sit, close your eyes and quiet the mind. Try to sink into yourself, look upon the window of Infinity and slowly expand your awareness to reach into the window. Eventually with practice you can step through the window and into Infinity. This is a place of peace and a clearer channel of the Truth. Infinity is the blank slate of NOW. The place where all moments are drawn and all stories are told - Amen.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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