2 min readJun 14, 2020
May 17, 2020
Good Morning,
The “Sin” of humankind is the ignorance to the Grace of GOD and the arrogance that we are greater than GOD. This is how we miss the mark, this is our sin. Ask yourself:
- Do you believe in GOD (Universal Consciousness, Presence, Great Spirit)?
- Do you commune with GOD daily, the Universal Presence?
- Do you know that the Grace of GOD (Holy Spirit) flows through you?
- Do you Accept, Forgive and Love everyone you meet (including yourself)?
- Do you know your path and believe your path is yours and yours alone. A unique journey described by you and place in motion by GOD?
- Do you believe GOD is Perfect?
- Do you believe you are defined by your thoughts, words and deeds or do you believe you are defined by society (Human Doctrine)?
- Do you know yourself, do you really know who you are?
- Do you see the Beauty of GOD in your family, friends and your neighbors?
These questions are seeds. If you steward them with intention for growth, they will yield answers towards freedom and bloom flowers of wisdom. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you will find. Give and you will be given. What will it be: to live in Sin or to live in Grace…The choice has always been yours.