Dominic Crain
5 min readMay 20, 2022



May 19, 2022

Good Morning,

Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with establish beliefs or customs, even if it reveals the TRUTH.

GOD is Everything and Anything that is known or unknown. GOD expresses ALL THINGS. NOTHING exist without GOD. Nothing exist without the source, referred to as The Word. The single Note that creates ALL Notes.

You are an Expression of GOD, You are part of ALL THINGS, You are a Witness to ALL THINGS. GOD is the Supreme Witness. ALL THINGS are known through GOD, because GOD is ALL THINGS. You are Divine Expression, You are GOD’s Creation: through your Being, through your Unique Expression and through your Witness.

GOD is simple to find, place your hands in front of you and look. There is divinity in each cell of your body, you are form, you are field, you are tone, you are Word. GOD is everything and anything. Your failure to find the Truth, lies within your belief and denial of the Truth.

You have been taught separation and you claim separation. You reinforce the lie daily. Do you want to see GOD? Stop for a moment and look at the trees and the sky. Look at the ants and the grass. Simple ideas that take form…conscious form.

You realize the Truth of GOD when you see yourself in ALL THINGS. Separation is the denial of the Truth. For GOD is the expression of self cognizance in ALL THINGS and ALL THINGS exist because of GOD. You must be conscious to hold form, even a grain of salt expresses its perfection of its self in Truth.

Smile and say, “hello” to the next person you meet…GOD is, You Are and if you step past your ignorance, I AM. Everything is vibrating, you are tone, you are resonance, you are song, you are one of the most powerful, arrogant, ignorant, fearful creations, GOD has created. Unconsciously, you manifest creation on the fly, yet limit yourself by your own beliefs. Beliefs of fear and beliefs of doubt. You fill your world with hate, anger, jealousy, judgement, vanity, greed wanting…The irony is, you will deny these words, deny yourself, deny your neighbor and deny GOD. You will pride yourself in the idolization of a separate god. You will claim salvation through half truths and bind your ignorance to the word “faith”, Not Truth, Not Spiritual Experience or Witness, but “faith”.

So deny all you want, limit your world, limit yourself, struggle, cheat, lie, hate, fear. That is the package that comes with denial. The blind claim they see no light or no color. The deaf claim no sound or no words yet, is their perception wrong…is there no light or no sound? Maybe their understanding is limited or their choice is what they understand.

Nonetheless, no matter what you say, no matter what you think, If you do not acknowledge GOD in everything, if you do not witness GOD in everyone, you will always be in denial. You can only Be, what you choose to Be. I AM, You Are, GOD is. To deny GOD is to deny your True Self. To deny your True Self is to limit your right to Be. Given the understanding, those with eyes can see and those with ears can hear. This is the lesson, this is the agreement, this is the perception you choose. So choose to rise above your claim and find the Truth within yourself.

Everything is in agreement, there are no mistakes, just absolute perfection within each moment you choose. All Things hold Truth within the moment that you witness.

You realize the Truth of GOD, when you see yourself in All Things. Do not believe what you are told, believe what you experience as Spiritual Truth. The TRUTH comes through the Witness. It must come from within and not from without. Everything can be witnessed through you, because you are everything. GOD is ALWAYS HERE in the NOW. GOD cannot leave you, GOD will not leave you, for without GOD, you cannot exist. Let go of the lies, let go of the fear and let the expression of GOD within you speak. This is the True Self, the higher self, the Divine Expression, the BEing of you.

You have the right to Be. Everything and Everyone has the right to Be. To understand GOD is to see the BEing in Everything and Everyone. Nothing is without GOD. GOD is Joy, GOD is Peace, GOD is Love, GOD is Truth. GOD is the beggar on the corner, the killer with the smoking gun, the preacher that condemns his brother, the love between two lovers and the baby laughing in your arms…GOD IS.

Remember, to deny your neighbor is to deny GOD. The Law of Balance (some call Karma) holds Truth for ALL Things. What you cast into darkness, calls you to the darkness. What you condemn, condemns you back. It is the pebble in the pond. The echo that calls out to you.

GOD does not have need of fear. Fear is an expression of human consciousness. A low vibration of this field of physical form. What you confirm, you empower. What you claim, you manifest. Thoughts, words and deeds are your bane or your freedom. The choice is yours and yours alone. Ignorance is not an excuse, ignorance is the loss of Freedom. You are bound to the field you hold. There is no knowing, without experience. No one can show you the way. You must travel your path and it is as unique as you are. GOD is right here, right now…Ask and you will be shown what is known and unknown. What is witnessed through Spirit holds eternal TRUTH. A truism in the moment may not hold true forever, yet, what GOD reveals as TRUTH, rings TRUTH and holds TRUTH forever.

GOD does not have to prove the TRUTH, GOD is TRUTH.

Lift and you shall be Lifted.

Give and you shall be Given

Raise and you shall Rise.

Be Humble and you will find Forgiveness.

Do not judge nor condemn, Enlighten through your thoughts, words and deeds. For your light will become their light and you will be free in the Song of GOD.

Be in the moment, Do not think of what you have witnessed, it is already gone. Do not think of what may be in front of you, because it hasn’t fully manifested and your thoughts and ideas can alter its perfection. Rather, Be Here, Be Now and Be You in your Divine Expression to give thanks to ALL THAT IS. You have the right to Be. No one can take it from you, unless you agree and give it to them.

You are Free, You are Fearless, You are Word, Embrace the moment, release the fear and Be in Truth. For your Truth will carry you forward, to be who you are, what you are and how you serve every moment along your path.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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