Dominic Crain
5 min readJun 4, 2020


Service to Ourselves is the Communion with GOD

April 27, 2020

Good Morning,

Today I present a seed, you will be the steward of the seed and how you tend to it, is up to you. You can throw it upon rocky ground and watch it wither or you can place it in your heart and watch it grow outside the box of human thinking. The choice is yours.

You are an expression of GOD, spirit made flesh. The flesh will last only as long as the spirit is willing. The flesh is weak and the spirit is eternal. When you become flesh, through the power of GOD you create an expression of yourself called Ego. Ego is bound to the physical world. Ego lives through the flesh and wants to bind spirit to the world. Ego embraces negative vibrations: hatred, greed, lust, fear, anger, judgment, tolerance, vanity, vengeance, pride, etc. Ego is unique to each individual, just as you are an unique expression of GOD in this world. Most people would refer to Ego as a third person entity called the Devil, just like they would refer to GOD a third person entity outside of themselves. This is not true, everyone is connected through the WORD of GOD and everyone can witness this truth through Grace.

Grace is the insight and awareness of the spirit that resides inside of us. Grace is when you awaken to the truth, that you are an expression of GOD and your flesh is the temple of the LORD. Grace is the greatest gift of GOD that can be bestowed upon the flesh. Those who walk in Grace, walk the path of Jesus and know the way towards the Kingdom of Heaven. If you are not in Grace, then you are in Ego. Ego fuels the constructs of man. Ego whispers false words to keep you from Grace and reinforces the chains that bind you to the box of man. Ego tells you how great you can be. Ego tells you that material things will make you happy. Ego tells you that your way is the correct way, that you are the truth. Ego tells you that you are the best or the worst depending on its angle. Ego tells you many things. Yet, people are running in fear of a virus. People are destroying the world they are given and reaching out to new worlds in the thought of a reboot. Ego tells people they should kill each other over perceived holy ground. Ego wants to keep everyone chained to the world, this is the power and purpose of Ego. Ego leads you to believe greatness which turns into the ripple of foibles you carry. Ego persuades you to create negative spiritual baggage. The more you embrace Ego, the more baggage you collect. When the flesh is let go, the baggage stays with spirit. The road to heaven is difficult to traverse with a lot of baggage. People speak of little white lies, people speak of collateral damage that is ok for the greater good. That is fine, because GOD sees and knows everything. GOD will allow the lies, for their burden is their own and their burden is eternal. Ignorance is your sin, ignorance is the shroud of Ego that covers the Grace of GOD. Ignorance binds you to the ways of the world. Keeps you inside the constructs of human thinking. The path can be as rocky or as smooth as you wish to make it. Grace is the way to lighten the baggage. Grace is the way to step outside of Ego. Grace is the way to be in this world, but not of this world. Grace is when the Love of GOD flows through the Love of man. Grace is when you surrender to GOD and release the attachment of Ego. Grace is the ultimate truth.

So how do you awaken to Grace? You follow the teachings of Jesus and others who walk in Grace. Pursue the communion with GOD. Communion comes in many forms and is as unique as the individual. There is no right or wrong way. You must still the mind and find the quiet place inside your heart. GOD is always there and GOD is always available. The real question is…Are you available and Are you listening? Below are 3 simple guidelines:

  1. Love God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul. Just because you do not currently perceive GOD, this blindness does not indicate nor validate that GOD does not exist. You do not see microwaves, yet they can kill you. You do not see, feel nor hear neutrinos, yet people believe they exist. To seek GOD with all your heart, mind and soul is to experience the Presence of GOD. This is a step towards the communion with GOD.
  2. Accept, Forgive and Love others and yourself for all thoughts, words and deeds that you have experienced and/or witnessed during your journey. Embrace your path, this is your cup, it is unique to you. So drink from it and live each day as an adventure that GOD has given you! Each breath is a blessing and each moment a gift. This is the step towards communion with others and yourself.
  3. Service to GOD, service to others and service to yourself. Ask yourself, Am I in Service? Each act of Service can lighten your burden, each act of Service can show you the way. Each step, no matter how tiny, is a step towards awakening.

With GOD, there is beauty, with GOD there is peace and with GOD there is purpose. GOD bestows the Devine knowledge of Truth. When you see Grace inside yourself, you see Grace in others. When you see the Grace in others, you gain the insight of the unique threads that are woven into the tapestry call GOD. GOD sees the full picture, you are but a thread, a color added to the Great Journey. All threads are equal, all threads are important, all threads have purpose. The loss of one thread makes the tapestry incomplete. So when you look at another person, remember the thread.

You are not defined by others, but by your actions and intentions. Every thought, every word and every deed releases a ripple that takes form and builds the path you walk upon. GOD knows eventually you will get to the end, how long is up to you. Don’t worry, you have all of eternity.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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