Dominic Crain
3 min readJun 1, 2020


Coram Deo

April 7, 2020

Good Morning,

Ego spoke in the Judaean Desert atop a Mountain.

Ego spoke at the Landsberg Prison and started writing Mein Kampf.

Ego spoke in June 1968 and wrote a ballad for itself, declaring its victories over the dark side of man.

Ego spoke at 911 and Ego is speaking today.

Ego has had many names and has made many marks through out our history. Ego smiles and speaks the words that say, “We are greater than I AM, follow me and look at what we can have.” Ego is the blinder of Truth and manipulator of the weakness of flesh.

We are an Expression of GOD. Ego is an expression of ourselves. Ego is as unique as we are, a sentient layer designed to bind us to the physical world. We are in the flesh, not of the flesh. We are children of GOD. Ego is a child of the flesh, therefore Ego’s power is limited to the flesh. Thus, Ego wants to bind us to the physical world and be in the drivers seat of our journey.

Man through man empowers Ego, however, man through GOD empowers Life. Many ideologies treat GOD as a third person outside of themselves and many treat Ego the same way. Yet, scripture has stated more than once, that we are the temple of the Lord. Jesus proved more than once to Simon Peter and the apostles that we are more than we believe. That our belief is the limiting factor to our communion with GOD. Yet here we are once again, embracing our flesh and listening to the whispers of Ego. Then people ask, “Why is GOD doing this to us? Why are there so many problems in the world…why, why, why?”. Look in the mirror, don’t ask GOD, ask yourself. Why do I embrace the negative (earthly) vibrations? What is my take away, when I embrace: anger, greed, jealousy, judgment, tolerance, hate, lust, etc. Your take away is simple, three things: Ego, spiritual baggage and binding yourself to the flesh. When your are in a negative state of being, you are Ego. Negative thought forms are the burden of the spirit that binds us to the physical world. Thought without Ego is freedom and the path to heaven. When you think not, you are standing at the gates. Communion and Service is the path towards freedom. Service to GOD, Service to others and Service to ourselves. Communion with GOD, Communion with others and Communion with ourselves. GOD is about Acceptance, Forgiveness and Love. Do you accept yourself? Do you love yourself? Do you forgive yourself? These are the building blocks upon the foundation of which you seek.

Are You in Service? Do you feel the Grace of GOD beyond the senses of the flesh? Seek and you will find. Ask and you shall receive. No one is denied Communion with GOD, unless, you deny yourself.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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