Grace Can Take Form
March 6, 2020
Good Morning,
I wanted to start our correspondence with the law of conservation of energy which states that energy (vibration/wavelength) can neither be created nor destroyed; rather it can be transformed or transferred from one form to another. This premise applies to GOD. GOD is steadfast and constant. GOD CANNOT be created nor destroyed. Everything is in motion and everything is a vibration of GOD in one form or another. This is important to understand, because energy has many wavelengths. Many of these wavelengths can be perceived as light, heat, pressure, substance, presence, Holy Spirit, etc. There are countless vibrations that are outside our perception and take a special skill to gain awareness. These skills can be practiced to expand our awareness and enhance our communion with GOD. GOD is the purest vibrational form, the SOURCE of ALL CREATION. GOD is without form, without limits, without boundaries without time. GOD is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent. GOD is ALL THINGS, NOTHING EXIST WITHOUT GOD. In our beginning, there was GOD. In stillness without light, where time has no place and space has no meaning. Where everything is nothing, yet nothing is everything. Where all things are witnessed and all things are made, the will of GOD is a song and the song is obeyed. GOD uttered a whisper (WORD) which sent forth a ripple. The intention took form and became sentient. Those forms sang forth in LOVE and in GRACE through the power of GOD, they painted the space. Light shined through the darkness and the forms worked as one connected by threads that powered the sun. The ripples kept going, splitting vibrations, building new layers, and changing the intention to fulfill a new purpose and manifest new forms. The power of GOD’s unlimited possibilities are witness by all. GOD has no beginning and GOD has no end, GOD is.
The purpose of what I have written is to acknowledge a simple truth. We forget the Glory of GOD. We forget the power of GOD. We forget to witness the blessings of GOD. We are so caught up in the weakness of the flesh, that we let the greatness and wonders of spirit pass before us.
I was sitting on my front walkway in the middle of Florida’s muggy morning. GOD gave me a gentle breeze. I quieted my mind and felt the Grace of GOD touch me as the air wisps caress my shoulders. I thought, “How lucky am I to witness the many blessings of GOD.” We all have blessings, no matter the path we follow, we all have blessings, no matter the cup we have been given. However, we fail to acknowledge GOD. We fail to witness and celebrate the Glory of GOD. GOD is always there, GOD is always available. GOD never fails us.
So I ask myself, Why do I succumb to this illusion of weakness, when the greatest power to exist smiles upon me? Is this because my brother/sister next to me told me so? That I am a sinner, that I am unworthy, that this is the way it is? It sounds like a lie, an untrue statement. Brain washing the facts to keep me in check. Is this ignorance or deliberate sabotage? The flesh is weak, don’t buy into it. Live in this world, not of this world. I am not saying, don’t enjoy earthly things and experiences. I am saying don’t bind yourself to them. Don’t believe they define who you are. They are just a moment and just like the breath across your lips, they shall pass. Moments are fleeting, we are eternal.