Jul 8, 2021
Good Morning,
In your spiritual path along your story, you are experiencing and expressing the moment that is you. You are exactly what is needed in the given moment. You must be balanced to understand and move forward, just like a toddler learning to walk. This balance is achieved by moving past your ignorance and embracing the knowledge that is inside of you. There are simple rules of mighty steps that can assist you in your understanding: (1) Everything about the material world is fleeting. This does not imply that it is bad, just limited. The only constant is change. Nonetheless, the Spiritual world is constant and you have the choice of external or internal navigation along your path.
(2) You are on a path of learning and discovery. Everyone makes perceived mistakes, that is the consequence of the human experience. A moment designed precisely for you. Your relationship with yourself defines your viewpoint and your understanding of each moment along your path - The Truth of your discovery is the Truth within yourself. Each step forward expands your awareness within and your viewpoint without. Most people concern themselves with the external nuances of the physical world. Those fleeting moments do not concern the Spirit inside you. Inward balance will always be the key to discovery. Remember the Universal Constant, that many call GOD is Everything; Every Particle, Every Vibration and Every Moment. So external events can teach important lessons, just as well as internal events. The caveat is one is perpetual and one is not. One is True and one is an illusion. Your understanding of the difference is a step towards inner balance.
(3) You must learn to Love yourself. This process starts with Acceptance of who you truly are, not what the world conveys, but what you hear from your Spirit inside. After Acceptance, comes Forgiveness. This is Forgiveness of All things: your thoughts, words and deeds along your journey. You really shouldn’t condemn yourself for ignorance. Especially since most of your journey is self taught. If you can Accept yourself and Forgive yourself, then you can truly Love yourself. If you Love yourself, the rest will follow.
(4) You should never judge your neighbor. If you do judge, you display your arrogance and ignorance to the Truth. The path someone is on, is theirs and theirs alone. It is a unique relationship between them and GOD. You cannot truly understand them or their actions because you are not them. Judgment is stating you know them better than they know themselves, this is a vice of Ego, a binding chain of the physical world. Instead, you should Accept, Forgive and Love your neighbor. This is the path towards balance, the path towards freedom, the path towards GOD. The Forgiveness that you sow is the Forgiveness that you reap.
Matthew 22:36-40 Jesus told him, “‘You must Love GOD with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and most important commandment. The second is exactly like it: ‘You must Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments.”
(5) You cannot truly Love GOD until you have learned to Love yourself. GOD is the internal and external foundation to ALL Things, ALL Events and ALL Knowledge. GOD is the Universal Constant. The Source Vibration of Everything. The golden threads of singularity that we call the Holy Spirit. Without GOD, you cannot exist.
Let’s step back a moment and expand our point of view…The Spirit of GOD resides within your vessel. Therefore, you are a part of GOD. If this holds true for you, then it holds true for your neighbor as well. Each individual expression (sapient) is a singularity of GOD. A unique golden thread that is connected to the Universal Constant. Hold that thought, circle back to Matthew 22:36, ask yourself, what would Jesus do? In this very moment, you are receiving a glimpse of the difference between ignorance and knowledge. In this moment you are receiving the Truth between the lies. GOD is not just inside of you, but outside of you. GOD is every vibrational ripple of All Moments, inconceivable, and conceivable. You are just a tiny unique thread of a Great Tapestry. A journey through the human experience. Therefore, If you must Love GOD with all your heart, soul and mind…you must Love yourself and your neighbor or you fail…correct? You are not living the “Word of Jesus” or what is proclaimed as one of the greatest commandments…Ignorance is bliss.
(6) Most people are controlled through ignorance, a doctrine of fear, anxiety, hatred and greed. Religious zealots preach the Gospel according to themselves. Hypocritical speakers gathering religious real-estate to those seeking knowledge and/or upliftment. You should be open to everyone, it is the path to acceptance. However, the final word of your doctrine should be spiritual in nature. Spiritual ministry comes from within and not from without. Therefore, the outside world can help guide you, but the voice inside must take the lead. Prayer, meditation, self reflection are the tools given to walk the way. This is the light of Truth that illuminates the shadows of ignorance along your path.
John 4:23-24 The true worshipers will worship GOD in the Spirit and in Truth, for they are the kind of worshipers GOD seeks. GOD is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in Truth.
One last note, Ego is a layer within the vessel of the human experience. Ego uses the same doctrine of influence to bind you to the physical world: fear, anxiety, hatred, greed, lust, pride, etc. These chains of Ego limit you to the rules of the global human consciousness. Understanding your inner child (Spirit) and Communion with GOD (The Universal Constant) will raise you above the temptations of Ego. This will empower and expand your sensorium to witness the beauty of the Golden Threads and experience the actions without thought. This is the Way of the Spirit, the discovery of Truth and the freedom of One.
(7) You are not defined by the world, unless you accept and embrace its definition of you - This means you are responsible for you. Every thought, word and deed you do, creates a ripple along your golden thread. This vibration ripples the tapestry along your journey and like a pebble in a pond eventually ripples back upon you. Good, bad or indifferent, it is yours and yours alone. People can’t change you, you must change yourself. This moment and every moment you experience, will always be between you and GOD. Your perception of each nuance you witness will be based upon your understanding and communion with GOD. The level of knowledge you have acquired through your Spiritual Ministry, your Spiritual Doctrine. This is part of yourself acceptance. The knowledge attained through witnessed and sometimes uncanny events. You are in the perfect moment with the perfect toolset to handle the event you are currently experiencing…This is your Gospel, the Truth of your journey and the definition of you.
The golden thread is a unique singularity of GOD. It is a perfect vibration that is reshaped through layers of self definition and self expression. These threads are woven into a journey towards the Universal Constant, interacting and discovering each other along the way. Each thread represents its unique Truth of GOD and one of those threads is the expression that defines you - Amen