September 29, 2020
Good Morning,
Step outside, early morning around 5am and sense the peace that is around you. Take a deep breath and feel the air flow into your body. Know this is GOD’s breath. You do not exist without GOD. To know GOD, you must experience GOD. To experience GOD, you must surrender your common beliefs and reach for the uncommon experience. This is the start of the knowing. This is the process of baby steps that lead you to the larger picture. The awareness of the Truth and the awakening from your slumber. Reach out and look at your palms. There is GOD…that simple.
Nothing exist without the WORD and GOD is the WORD. Everything towards this discovery depends on your thinking, your experience, your perception and your belief. GOD is always there, will always be there and will never leave. For if GOD leaves, you do not exist…it’s that simple. To change towards uncommon thinking, you must release the salt of your life and embrace the Spirit. This can be accomplished by a 3x3 process, The Trinity of Unity. First step is to practice Acceptance, Forgiveness and Love. This practice must start with you and permeate outwards towards others. The second step is to allow the first step to flow through your Thoughts, Words and Deeds. This is how you redefine your common ways and move towards an uncommon way of life. This process is your path to discover GOD and your true self. This is an Expression of the Spirit within You. The final step is Surrender to GOD, Release the salt of the earth and Commune in Unity. The best things in life are not things. It is the Love and Experience that is shared through the Communion of GOD.
Release the salt and Embrace the Spirit. Those that embrace the salt become salty and hollow. They will never be satisfied. They just keep collecting a seasoning that cannot fulfill the need. An illusion, that defines a perception that is untrue. One day, the waters of GOD will flow upon them and dissolve the salt that they so preciously cling to. They will sit in astonishment, looking at nothing but empty hands and realize the Truth. In that Truth, they will be Born again.
So, Share GOD’s Love everyday, Practice Forgiveness with everyone and Teach Acceptance in every moment.
If you seek to believe, you will see the Glory of God…Salt or Spirit, the Choice is Yours.
May the Grace of GOD guide you, the Love of GOD sustain you and the Truth of GOD free you along your journey — Amen.