June 29, 2020
Good Morning,
You can’t buy your way into heaven, so why tithe? Giving without intention is empty. Tithing because someone says so is pointless, unless you wish to fill their coffers. However, sharing with the intention of wanting to share, expressing the love inside is completely different. We should share GOD’s Love everyday, practice Forgiveness with everyone and teach Acceptance in every moment. This is the path of Grace. GOD does not care what you tithe, it can be your time, your smile, your thoughts or your abundance. The point is the act of selfless sharing, to give without thought, to give without return. Only men care about monetary compensation and EGO loves greed, EGO loves to say, I have more than you, look at me. Ironically, in their ignorance, individuals that embrace EGO, forgot the Truth…GOD is abundance and a worker is worth his keep. I still remember a pastor at a local mega church speaking to me about religious real-estate. My perception of the conversation lead me down a road of exploiting rather than saving. This experience manifested the title, “Profit from the Prophet: The Jesus Icon”. If you wish to walk in Grace, if you wish to have communion with GOD, then don’t look in the mirror and say, “what would Jesus do?” rather, look in the mirror and say, “what would I do?”. Realize the temple of GOD is beneath your feet. Remember, a tithe without selfless intention is empty. Be so thankful in your gift, that the act of sharing is your reward. GOD knows the Truth. So who are you fooling? There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. This is the Will of GOD.
Everyone, Everyday and Every moment
Share, Practice and Teach
Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance.
Freely give what is freely given.