Oct 27, 2020
Good Morning,
The only limitation in your breath is you, your thoughts, your perception and your belief. GOD has no limits and does not apply any limits upon you. You are the governor of your life. You throttle the Glory and the Abundance you are freely given, everyday, every moment and every nuance of you being you. This is evident through your thoughts, words and deeds. GOD is in constant communication with you, but are you listening? GOD is always with you, but do you notice? GOD freely gives to you, but do you accept the gift? Your weakness for the common eludes the uncommon. Your belief that the world defines you is the shackle of your ego, not the Glory of GOD. You have agreed to every moment that stands before you, to deny the moment displays your ignorance to the Truth. GOD has given you every tool you need to solve every hurdle in your life.
GOD is and You are, anything less than that statement, is a misconception of the Truth, the ignorance of the common. The invisible prison of the material world and the deception of the human Ego. The WORD of GOD flows through you. When you decide to let go of the lies and illusions of Ego and embrace the Truth, you will be free. Your arrogance and ignorance is the oversight of the lesson. For all things are freely given through the WORD of GOD. Ego is the limit that shadows the Truth. This is always the lesson, the joy, the sorrow…the choice.
Listen to what is “inside”, reshape the “outside” and the doors of wonder will open wide to reveal the Truth. GOD is the source of all things and you are a part of GOD. A simple truism that is completely overlooked.
Right now, this moment, Stop, Listen and Feel the Presence. Let go of the moment and move towards the quiet and peace within you. This is a baby step towards accepting the Truth. One of the many gifts of GOD. Each moment of acceptance reveals a moment of purpose, this is the Grace of GOD…to walk in Truth outside the illusion.
May the Light of GOD illuminate your ignorance, that you may always walk in Grace - Amen.