Dominic Crain
4 min readAug 31, 2020



August 28, 2020

Good Morning,

GOD is everything. To make a statement that GOD is one thing or another is a limitation of the truth. GOD can appear in any form, gender, color, species, vibration, etc. that relates to you at that moment of encounter. A burning bush, angelic spirit, a kind elderly woman, a warm summer breeze and yes, an old man with a beard. People refer to GOD as the Universal Consciousness, this is true, however, this is a limitation of thinking, GOD is so much more. GOD is every moment, every expression and every vibration that is witnessed or unwitnessed. Use whatever nomenclature you wish to use, nothing exist without GOD. Therefore, GOD is and you are. Grace is the realization of “You Are” or “I AM”. When you experience or witness an event that causes you to exceed the perceived norms or limits of your human thinking, then you find Grace. What you experience or witness is your truth and yours alone. This truth can be expressed and shared but not always received. Because you cannot understand what you don’t experience or witness. In many situations, you may witness or experience a great truth and dismiss the event because it goes beyond the comforts of your perceived reality.

GOD is the Singular Source Vibration that emanates all other vibrations. GOD knows everything because, GOD is everything. You observe time, yet GOD is time. GOD is the great ocean of life that you discover and express yourself. GOD’s gift to you is expression and independent thought. You are on a path of discovery and you have chosen your experience. You are one of the many waves of expression discovering the Truth within the ocean of GOD. The beauty of this, you are ONE. Just like the individual waves are part of the same ocean and just like the waves, when you cross another wave along your journey, you change or you resist change…your choice. GOD is always there with you, because without GOD you do not exist. GOD is and You are. Your lack of Grace is your limitation. Your ignorance is your sin. GOD is Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance. GOD creates everything, GOD is everything and GOD is abundance. The truth you deny is the breath that passes across you lips. So, how do you discover Grace? How do you exceed the norms and limits of your current thinking. Your biggest hurdle is doubt. Doubt is going to question every extraordinary experience and dumb it down to a level of limited mundane thought so it echos the perceived human experience. You must strive for belief without question. Remember, GOD is and You are. To truly discover yourself you must discover GOD. Therefore, prayer, meditation or communion is essential. You need to quiet yourself and listen. To go outside the box, you need to step inside yourself. The core of everything is the same. It is the expression of the core that is unique. How you define yourself and express the Glory of GOD.

Travelers along your path can express their techniques to awaken Grace, however, don’t be discouraged if those techniques do not work for you. GOD has given you the perfect set of tools for your journey and they are unique to you. The steps towards awakening move at the rate of your surrender. This is where you choose to let go of your limited mundane global self perception and move towards the direction of who you and GOD know you are. This is a journey of baby steps that move you from Acceptance of who you are, to Forgiveness of your perceived foibles along your journey, to Love and expression of your true self. This is a path of freedom, love and abundance. This does not mean that there will not be obstacles along your path. It means that your perception of those obstacles will take on a wider point of view with a greater understanding of purpose. This is to exceed the measurement of mundane thinking and embrace the measurement of thinking in Grace. So your expression is not about your measurement of yourself to the world. Your expression is about your measurement of yourself to your true self. This is the Aha moment of self discovery. This is when you stand alone and know without question that you are One with Everything. That GOD is and You are.

Remember, you are in the perfect place at the perfect moment to discover and express the Glory of GOD. You are in this world not of this world and everything you need is within you. The choice is yours.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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