September 28, 2020
Good Morning,
GOD bears witness to all things, because all things are GOD. In GOD’s moment all Truths are revealed, All stories are shown, for GOD does not witness chronologically, GOD does not observe time, GOD is time. GOD sees now and GOD is now. This is the Power of GOD.
A prophet surrenders to GOD and in communion with GOD may bear witness the now. They may not know the chronological placement of now, but will see a glimpse of what is perceived as the past, present and/or future. This is the power of the prophet…a gift from GOD. The power of the prophet is in direct correlation to the release of their earthly salt. The closer they embrace Spirit, the clearer and more precise the Truth of the prophecy. Thus, the prophet can perceive and experience the now. This is a Word of Spirit and a blessing to all those who listen.
All stories are written and all agreements are sealed in the bond of your Spirit. Stories must be witness and told. This is your cup and your gift. This cup cannot pass away from you unless you drink it. What GOD has set in motion, stays in motion until it is witness or experienced. This is the Will that you must travel along your path. It is yours and yours alone. There is no good, bad or indifferent, there is just you and your expression of GOD.
GOD is near to all who call upon GOD in Truth. In your travels judge no one. Only that which bears witness to ALL has the right to judge. Remember, GOD bears witness to ALL things, so the Truth has nowhere to hide. It is in this knowledge that you should travel. GOD does not make mistakes. There are stories to be told and agreements that must be met. Embrace your path and give glory to the gift that is yours. For in giving what is freely given, will lead to abundance in your life. The best things in life are not things. It is the Love and Experience that is shared through the Golden Threads of GOD.
I asked myself, why am I writing these letters? This was my answer — I write for the Love and Golden Light that shines from all human beings, that what I bear witness may give insight along their journey. I write for the Glory of God, that I may honor the gift that I have been given and I write to give what is freely given, so through our darkness, we may be light — Amen.
This is my path...I hear the words without sound and see the images without form. I believe and bear witness to the Glory of GOD, no matter how large or small the experience. This is a unique expression of my Spirit and the communion with a Spirit greater than my own.