February 7, 2022
Good Morning,
All human beings are Equal in Spirit but Unique in Expression. This is a truism that cannot be dismissed or refuted…It is the WORD. Ignorance may beg to differ, however those who experience the Truth, have a wider viewpoint, the greater perception and embrace the LOVE that creates all of US.
I, You, We, He, She, They…the pronoun doesn’t matter, yet the Expression does. Nomenclature doesn’t matter, yet the Expression does. No one can be you! Try as you might, you cannot be anyone else but you. All matters of Truth, ripple past and illuminate the shadows of the lie. For the light from within shall expose the mask from without.
Human Beings, driven by Ego wish to classify in nomenclature, to segregate, rank and control those without experience and understanding of the Truth. Ego using a homogeneous lie, cattle the unknowing into a herd of untruths. Ego persuades you to believe in the subdivisions of the mundane world and limits you with a perception of half truths.
You are taught at a very young age everything you cannot do, everything that is limited by your position or expression. Then the media or group consciousness reinforces what you have been fed. In your digestion of suppression, you believe and you receive that belief in the form of external confirmation. You now become your own limitation through the subtle conditioning that you believe to be true. This grouping of segregated concepts holds very little water. A sieve of half truths that bind you to a world of human Ego. These concepts only bind the willing and the ignorant, you must believe to receive and you must embrace to bind.
You are only a slave, if you believe you are a slave, you’re only insignificant, if you believe you are insignificant, you’re only worthy if you believe you are worthy and you’re only free, if you believe you are free…Believe and Receive! When you say, “I Can’t”…You can’t. You created a ceiling, a limit that is untrue. Every human being on the physical plane (Earth) is equal in Spirit. Everyone comes from the same Source (GOD, Universal Consciousness, Etc). So, you don’t need to join a tribe, a group or social clique to be part of something. You are already part of the largest group that exist. You can never ever be alone. That is absolutely positively impossible. You may feel alone, because of your myopic awareness. Nonetheless, you are not alone. If someone tries to convince you otherwise, then they are ignorant to the Truth and have never had an out of body experience or consciously remember a past transition. You are everywhere and all things. The thought of aloneness is silly talk, just sit quietly and expand your awareness to view the Truth. Then you realize, “Oh My GOD, I am never alone”. The Source is always there. No Source, No You…You are connected to a vibratory thread woven with your unique signature stretching through infinity. Your mandate is to discover the Truth and walk in the understanding of Acceptance, Love and Forgiveness. This is the path without want, without need, without fear and without limits. This is the true path of Spirit.
By Spirit, you are homogenous, by the Grace and Gift of your Expression, you are unique. You are only limited by your understanding of the Truth. The Source has no want, no need, no limit. You are part of the Source. However, your Expression is your gift and you can either deny or embrace what you have been given. You are here to discover, define and express You. The epiphany has always come from within and not from without. No one knows you better than you, so why have anyone tell you who you are or what you need to do.
You should have been told by your first breath, that you are unique and that being unique is awesome. That you should embrace your awesomeness and express it in a way that you only know how. That you in your uniqueness should be a stand-a-lone. That you have been given everything you need to be you and you should accept you, as you, in all your uniqueness. You should never need another person or a material item to complete you. You are complete at birth. People and items can complement your expression, but cannot fulfill your expression. As soon as you believe you need someone or something, you bind yourself to that person or item and lose a piece of you.
For example, you can add an accoutrement to a hot dog, like relish, mustard, chili-cheese or onions and that could complement the hot dog. Possibly enhance the whole experience or expression. However, if you remove the accoutrement, at the core you still have the hot dog. You should always be you at your core (just like the hot dog), because along your journey, accoutrements come and go. Some days it’s relish some days it’s mustard, and some days it’s just the plain hot dog. It is the greatest freedom: to Love, to Accept and to Express You. For peace and happiness from within, can only be shared, never taken. Stand-A-Lone in your travels and share your inner Love with all your accoutrements.
A simple truth, Life only becomes difficult when you try to be what you are not. So the goal is to find out who you are, celebrate your discovery in every moment and every breath along your journey. You are always given all the tools you need in your moment to express you.
The Source is eternal, therefore, you are eternal experiencing and expressing a myriad journeys. Each journey remembered by your Spirit and forgotten in your mundane shell, only to glimpse an outer moment from time to time, through dreams or memory triggers that you happen upon.
The vale of forgetfulness is not a penitence nor persecution for wrong doings or injustice, instead, it is a gift to experience a different journey through a new set of lenses. To cycle just like the seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Each moment of each lifetime bringing new experiences, new discoveries and new opportunities to define and express yourselves. It is the Beauty of Spirit to travel upon the Sea of Life always knowing, yet never knowing the moment you are about to embrace.
I am in the perfect moment
Doing exactly what I need to do
I am one within this moment
It is the moment I choose to view
The event may have its hurdles
The event may have its loss
I am at peace within the moment
For I do not fear the cost
Every moment has a lesson
Every lesson has a step
To understand these myriad steps that I have taken
Expands the Vale’s view from beneath its depths
l live the choice within the understanding of my belief - The Traveler