March 30, 2020
Good Morning,
I need to talk about “Ego”. Human beings are more complex spiritually and dimensionally than our physical senses and/or conceptual thinking can perceive. I do not claim to be an authority or have a firm grasp on the vibrational components that comprise our complete self. I have experienced higher levels of consciousness (through the Grace of GOD), that enabled a glimpse of the truth.
So I will tell you how I perceive things, so you will be able to follow my thought process regarding Ego.
- I believe there are many planes between heaven and earth. When we transition(die), our conscious perception shifts to where GOD believes we need to be to continue our growth/development as spiritual beings. Ultimately, we make our way to the Source (GOD).
- We can communicate with those that have transcended(died) from the earth plane. The technique is the same used by prophets, mediums, channelers and individuals who are in communion with GOD. You need to know the individual vibrational signature and understand how to touch into it.
- There are nice people and mean people. There are nice spiritual beings and mean spiritual beings. Be aware of whom you choose communion.
- What we become, comes to us. This is a lesson in vibration and manifestation. What we give, we are given, what we sow, we reap and what we take will be taken. Remember this is a state of Being and GOD is Abundance. Everything is Now.
- What you focus upon, you empower. This ties in with the above line item number 4. Your intention(force of will) is the form that Grace uses to construct the foundation of your path. Think of the possibilities not the problems. Think of the Glory of GOD, not the sorrows of man. Use your Grace to be a blessing to others and those that are blessed shall bestow their blessings upon you.
- The physical plane has two constructs: The construct of man and the Construct of GOD. When we embrace the Construct of GOD, we live in this world but not of this world. When we embrace the constructs of man, we live in this world and of this world. The difference is Truth in expression, Truth in purpose and Truth in spirit.
- Negative Vibrations create spiritual baggage. These vibrations are attached to the physical plane and will bind us to the construct of man. These vibrations include: hate, anger, greed, jealousy, lust, wrath, pride, judgment, tolerance, etc. The goal should be to release the negative baggage. This process is accomplished through the Constructs of GOD: Acceptance, Forgiveness and Love. This includes: Forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others, Acceptance of self and Acceptance of others, Lastly, Love GOD, Love others and Love thyself. When you are in the state of Acceptance, Forgiveness and Love, the release of the negative baggage is a freedom untold.
- Don’t try to find the Word of GOD through the words of men. The word of man can be twisted, but the Word of GOD is steadfast. Our path to GOD is unique and personal. We are our own story, a closed book between GOD and ourselves. The WORD has made spirit flesh (man’s construct), even though the flesh is weak, the spirit has no boundaries, no limits. EGO, Arrogance and Ignorance are the foibles of the flesh (man’s construct). Not one moment passes without the Will of GOD. Not one thought manifests without the Word of GOD. Not one spirit exist without the Love of GOD. Spiritual Ministry is the key. Remember you are the temple of the Lord.
- We must work “In GOD”, We must work “With GOD” and We must work “Through GOD”; The WORD, The WILL and The WAY.
“In GOD” means that GOD’s Will is our will. That we surrender to the Devine purpose. That we understand that GOD is smarter than us. That we do not need to know the “how”. The “how” is GOD. “With GOD” means we follow GOD’s Way. We are in service to the Devine purpose. “Through GOD” means we become an instrument for GOD’s Word. We think not, for perfection flows through us. We step outside of our tiny box, to embrace the limitless possibilities of GOD.
These are my thoughts, my experiences and my doctrine. I do not feel compelled to defend my insights nor persuade you to embrace them. GOD is, I am, you are, acceptance is a blessing.
Let’s talk about Ego. Ego is a sentient binding layer of our clay shell (flesh). Ego embraces the negative earthly vibrations and encourages us to imbibe in their frequent use. Above, line item number 7 refers to negative vibrations. Ego loves self and enjoys fame and despair, especially if it can place itself in the limelight. Ego is part of us and you cannot strip it from your earthly body. However, you can recognize it, push it to the back seat and not allow it to drive. Ego loves the earthly plane and would love to keep us there. Fortunately for myself, the more I communed with GOD, the more I saw beauty in people, events and places. I felt more fulfilled with purpose and happy in my own skin. In communion, GOD’s words were always about, Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness. I found the more I communed with GOD, my thoughts focused on Love, Acceptance, Forgiveness and Service. This is how I stumbled across Ego. I was driving and feeling the Grace of GOD. I was seeing beauty in everything and I spotted a heavy set person walking on the side walk. I heard,”what a fat bastard, what a loser”. I had to pause from my thoughts of joy, and ask myself,”why would I say that?”. I am seeing the beauty in everything, that thought isn’t mine. Then I heard a barrage of negative thoughts and realized, this must be Ego. In reflection, I remember for a very long time, I wanted to figure out how to remove Ego. Then I realized that Ego is part of the flesh, part of the physical world. Our lesson isn’t to remove it. It is to accept and move it from our drivers seat to the back seat. To push yourself outside the box, you need to reduce your negative baggage (hate, jealousy, fear, tolerance, judgement, etc.). This will lift your vibration and strengthen your connection and communion with GOD. Be the Expression that you and GOD want you to Be.
Accept, Forgive and Love
Matthew 22:36–40 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
The Grace of GOD is yours-Freely you can receive, freely you shall give.