Dominic Crain
4 min readNov 22, 2020



Nov 15, 2020

Good Morning,

GOD is neither creative nor destructive, GOD is transmutative. Because GOD cannot be destroyed. From all ashes comes the new form, from all lessons comes the new awareness and from all endings comes the new beginning. GOD is a conscious energy, GOD is not one thing, GOD is everything. You are a unique single expression of everything, searching for the awareness of your True-self. Observing each moment in the limited consciousness of your own belief and experiencing exactly what you believe. Your understanding comes from personal participation or the witness of events along your path. Simply stated, you receive what you believe and your wheelhouse of knowledge is the measure of your world. This is the epiphany of your existence, to discover who you are through the lessons you are given. To expand your perception beyond your level of current thinking and transmute the flesh into spirit. GOD is the awareness of True-self. Your lessons are based upon your past knowledge and events you have experienced or witnessed. Remember, you cannot understand what you have not witness or experience. You are an expression of many stories, your experience from those stories gain you insight along your path. Your path is unique to you and you alone. Only you and GOD understand the Truth of you. Therefore, no one should judge you, because no one should judge what they don’t understand. Only GOD bears witness to all and Only GOD should judge.

GOD cannot make mistakes, therefore, your story has no mistakes. GOD sees the infinite outcomes of your moment and weaves the perfect thread into your story. This means that every moment has purpose. Do you witness every moment or do you allow the world to hasten your travels and miss a glimpse of insight? GOD does not observe time, GOD is time. Therefore, chronological events do not have meaning to GOD. GOD sees everything, all events, all lessons simultaneously. Only the material world observes chronological time. Time is a marker to connect stories, your stories. It gives you a reference point to share an event or experience with others along your travels. Your focus should always be in the moment, yesterday is an event that has been witnessed and thinking about it will not alter its outcome and the threads of tomorrow are still in play and not within the window of your perception.

Nonetheless, you are in the perfect place at the perfect time and each moment is flawlessly crafted for you, each moment is a blessings and a gift of a Divine lesson to move you one step closer to the Truth. In your current state of awareness, you are subject to the laws of the natural world, the limitations of the global consciousness and the desires of Ego. Your ignorance is your pain and suffering. Your ignorance is your lesson. Your Ego and the material world are the shackles that limit the view. Freedom is not about removing Ego or walking away from the material world, Freedom is the understanding that the world does not define who you are…you define who you are through your thoughts, words and deeds. Each moment is a choice towards discovery, a choice towards insight and communion with a greater understanding of yourself. You are not bound to this world, unless you choose to be bound. You are only limited by your belief. The challenge is to have the courage to step outside of what you believe. To reach for the uncommon in the common world and surrender to the infinite awareness that is called GOD. The key is to let go of your perceived self, taking tiny steps each moment and pause long enough to hear your True-self. In that glimpse along your path, you shall experience GOD. This is called the Surrender, letting go of who you think you are and perceiving who you really are. This is the Grace of GOD and the communion you have been seeking. GOD has no form, so GOD can come to you in any form. However, are you willing to receive the Truth? Are you willing to believe differently? Are you willing to press against the limited global consciousness of your brothers and sisters and rise towards the unlimited consciousness of Truth? Do you have the courage to let go of everything you have been told and perceive your path in a wider view? Are you ready to be more than a shadow of your True-self? You are a moment away to begin the discovery. The Truth is always displayed through your thoughts, words and deeds. This is the expression of you.

You have agreed to every moment that stands before you. To deny that moment is to display your ignorance of the Truth. Yet, people say,”Ignorance is Bliss”. Each moment of acceptance, reveals a moment of purpose and a greater glimpse of the Truth. You can see the world through the perception of flesh or the perception of Spirit. Does the world define you or do you define yourself to the world. The choice is yours - Amen.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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