May 6, 2020
Good Morning,
The constructs of GOD reflect: Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness. The actions of GOD reflect: Service, Communion and Expression. The path to purity is built upon the constructs and traveled upon the actions. Jesus Christ understood the path and spoke of the way through thoughts, words and deeds. This defined him along his path. His expression of his love and communion with GOD. Purity has no burden, no baggage, no need. The path to purity, is the path to freedom and the path to GOD. The constructs of human thinking embrace Ego. Ego reflects the earthy, spiritual chains: hatred, greed, anger, arrogance, lust, fear, judgement, tolerance, revenge, loathing, etc. This is the path to burden and creates spiritual baggage. The baggage encumbers the path to purity. The more one embraces Ego, the heavier the baggage becomes and the vibrational burden sinks the spirit further away from the path of purity…the path to freedom. Baggage is created each time you embrace Ego with your thoughts, words or deeds along your journey. So where does this place you? Well, I have heard, “Ignorance is Bliss” or perhaps, “Ignorance is your Sin”. Ignorance could be the one thing that holds you back from the realization of who you really are and the possibilities of the gifts GOD has bestowed upon you. Maybe you should consider a cumbersome journey that is painstakingly long. Maybe, that is where you find yourself now, unfulfilled and questioning. Take a moment, a deep breath and think about that…
What I have witnessed along my own path is this…at the end of the day, I have always been exactly where I needed to be with what I needed to learn to step closer to GOD. I have found GOD always connected me to the perfect people, the perfect place to assist me on my journey home. The realization of who I really am and how I wish to express the Truth that harbors within my carbon shell. There have been many times I have not understood the lessons being taught at that moment. Confused by the outcome of the events at hand. I have been a seeker of Truth all my life and I would say if you are reading this, then you must be a seeker as well. I know this because, what you become comes to you. I know who I AM, you need to discovered and find out who you really are. Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness is all you need from yourself. In your life, there is you, GOD and the path you share. This path is a gift and it’s as unique as you are, so embrace it. GOD gave you and you alone all the tools required to see it through. I know this and I say it without hesitation. I did not say there would not be hurdles, I did not say that there will not be times of grief. What I said is…This is your path and you have the tools to see it through. You can experience and express your journey like no other. Along any journey, you can find joy or sadness, it is up to you. You can embrace the problems or embrace the possibilities. Acceptance of yourself, acceptance of your path and acceptance of GOD is the first step to purity. Remember, all paths lead to GOD. Yet, not all paths travel at the same pace, with the same grade or upon the same terrain. What may work for me may not work for you, so when in doubt, look towards the temple GOD gave you and ask…GOD will answer. GOD is your copilot. Listen for the words without sound. Think not and feel the flow of Grace. Live in the moment, the path is right there before you, but you must choose to take the first step. GOD is the answer you seek.
I hear words without sound. I am a sower of what I hear. All I can do is sow the seed. You are the steward that decides if the seed takes root. You are the steward that decides if the Word blooms. This is a path of Grace, the insight of the spirit within the flesh. The Truth is within. Once it blooms, you become a sower of a Word. I pass my gift to you!
What GOD has given freely, I will freely give
Hear the Word, Serve the Will and Follow the Way.
Coram Deo