August 8, 2020
Good Morning,
GOD is the Universal Thread that connects everything. What you do, you do unto yourself. You believe you are separate, yet you are not. You have been gifted with a unique spark of expression. However, you and everyone around you are from the same source. Waves are unique within themselves as they roll along the ocean surface, yet they are still part of the ocean and you are still part of the Universe. You are never alone and GOD is always there.
A simple statement of profound truth, Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Why this? More importantly would be to ask, Why is this so difficult? What Devine right does one person have over another? The enlightened truth is none. If you peel the layers of illusion (the gift of your uniqueness), you discover that you are a part of GOD. You are the prodigal child and GOD waits for your return. You are no greater nor lesser than the person next to you. Yet, how you define yourself is how you know your own truth. Your personal relationship with GOD and it is as unique as you are. A path that is designed for you and you alone. So you need to ask, How can someone judge what they cannot know? The truth is within, not without. All stories must be told and all stories must be witnessed for in that moment lies the truth. The definition of your thoughts, words and deeds expressed within the illusion. This insight is the discovery of what you seek, the recognized communion with something greater. You are a mirror that reflects the Presence (Holy Spirit), the unique gift of GOD’s expression. The irony is what you seek, you already have. You just haven’t awaken to the Truth, the quintessential you. You must witness self to understand self and you must witness GOD to understand the Truth.
All thoughts, words and deeds create ripples and all ripples return to their origin. Take a step back and say, “What I do unto others, I do unto myself”. Remember, this applies to all thoughts, words and deeds. Now in any situation ask yourself, “What would I want in this event, if it was me?” This is a key question to finding a greater path, an uncommon path, a path of abundance and freedom. This thought is about understanding ripples and how they manifest themselves in the Universe. This expectation for yourself and giving it to another is a powerful ripple and will change events. Practiced daily, incites Universal change of your path. It may take a moment, a month, a year, nonetheless, the ripple will return. Now consider taking this process a step further, consider your expectation and exceed it. The Universe will respond to the ripple 9 fold.
However, there is a caveat. It is about your intention. You must have a “giving intention” for this to work. A ripple without intention is a breath without life. To do for the sake of doing is empty and to do for proclamation is shallow. The result is a diminished ripple, one that may not bear fruit or at least the fruit you thought to gain. This practice isn’t about gaining, it is about giving. Sharing your moment and gift to bring something greater to the outcome of the event in a way that is unique to you.
Freely give to the glory of others and you will rise and profess the Glory to GOD. This is the quintessential Truth of Self Expression and the choice has always been yours.