December 14, 2020
Good Morning,
How do you recognize the communion with GOD? The communion is simple, it is the discovery of self balance, self awareness and peace. You see purpose and beauty in all things around you. Some may experience communion in prayer or meditation, others in song or dance. There are many that find communion in quiet walks, yoga or reading books. There is no right or wrong way, only your way. Your experience will be a unique reflection of your expression. GOD is a moving current that flows through everything, a breeze without physical movement, a sensation beyond the 5 senses yet, touching the physical sensorium in a non physical way. Remember, GOD will inspire LOVE, FORGIVENESS and ACCEPTANCE. GOD will invoke PEACE, UNITY and PURPOSE. GOD will never inspire the lower vibrations: anger, hate, separation, fear, want, etc. Those vibrations are the inspirations of Ego and are produced by your own limitations, your belief and perception of yourself. When you find yourself in the voice of Ego, you will find the emptiness of the soul. Ego will always be in a state of wanting, because Ego is limited to the perception and global consciousness of the physical world. The place of lessons and the individual sense of self. A myopic view of the global picture. GOD has no throttle, no limits, no wants and is the source of ALL THINGS…period. Therefore, the Presence and Communion with GOD will bring a sense of balance, peace, purpose, contentment, union, bliss and knowledge that expands your awareness past the limitations of Ego and the physical perception of this world. This is what you are truly seeking, to see the world in the golden threads of light and understand their purpose. Everything else is trivial in comparison. The Word and Communion with GOD has no measure or equal in the physical world…GOD IS. Ego may want you to believe otherwise, nonetheless, this is the Light of the Truth. The irony, you must step away from the global consciousness of the physical world, the false perceptions of Ego and discover yourself. In that moment of isolated expression, you find the connection to the greater self and to everything that exist. So in your isolation, you find your connection to the unity of everyone…the threads that weave us into a singular consciousness.
Remember, everything is about baby steps and your path is yours and yours alone. There is no race to the GOD finish line and only a fool would eat unripened fruit. Don’t weigh your path against anything other than yourself. This is your lesson and GOD does not make mistakes. The experience of Communion will set you free. Stand firm in your knowledge and do not let yourself be burdened again by the yoke of ignorance.
When you can look upon the world without status or standing, without wanting or fear and truthfully say, “Thank you Lord for every lesson along my journey, I am blessed”, at that moment, you know you’ve found GOD.
You are the Truth within - Amen