November 24, 2023
Today, I am in Thanksgiving. I am thankful for everything I have witnessed and/or experienced. It is truly liberating to know my path was always “for me” and “not against me”. Just because I was limited in understanding, doesn’t make the event/moment good or bad. It is just a moment of opportunity to experience, discover and express myself.
If you realize the Truth within, you will rise above your thoughts…to “think” is to be human an experience expectation, to “know” is to align yourself to the path of GOD and unfold the Truth within.
- BE You, because no one else can BE You.
- Do your best at everything you do and understand that your best is good enough. You can push yourself, but don’t let others push you. No one can understand your truth or your moment. That moment is translated through your perception, belief and purview. Therefore, it truly doesn’t matter what others believe. This means you must believe in yourself and know that you are Awesome! GOD does not make mistakes, GOD creates perfection. So, live and accept your perfection.
- Enjoy what you do…even if it’s something you may not like. As you step into each moment, remember, each moment was created for you, an opportunity for discovery and insight. Your perception, will always be your choice and your purview is only limited by your belief.
- BE good to yourself and other people. Even if you dislike them. It is better for the world to spread sunshine than rain.
- Life is short…don’t waste it, embrace it. Moments of anger, regret, hatred, envy, sadness and/or fear are limited moments in a lower vibration. You are here…embrace it and make the most of it. There is a gift of discovery in each step you take and each moment you unfold. The greatest moment of you, is when you let yourself BE. So BE in the Moment.
- Take a moment to breathe in the world and truly witness your understanding of who you are. You will see a pattern of Truth, a flow of All Things and a purpose in your BEing. Then you start to realize, you are exactly were you need to BE. This is a path of awakening, a path of knowing yourself and you cannot BE, what you do not Know.
The Love of GOD brings peace to ALL Things and the Word of GOD makes ALL Things new. Be in the Moment and listen…GOD’s Song is there, playing for you. The Truth is closer than the breath passing across your lips. Unfortunately, you can only bring into the moment the truth you believe. To rise above your perception within the moment, you must experience and witness an alignment and accord in a higher way. This is not above you…this is acknowledging the Truth in you. The Song that has always been and will always BE.
I AM, You Are and GOD IS…The Eternal Song of ALL Things.