July 25, 2020
Good Morning,
How do you become you? You are a unique expression that is defined by your choice. The first thought of discovery must be, “The moment is mine if I so choose”. This is every moment of every thought of your current expression. The second thought must be, “Every moment is perfect and designed specifically for me”. The third thought is, “How I perceive this moment is how it will unfold”.
Becoming you is about the belief that every moment you are in, is the perfect place at the precise moment to witness and express your true self. There are no mistakes, just stories that are witness through a perceptive lens that is uniquely yours. All stories are written and all stories must be witness or experienced. This is your cup created specifically for you. Perception is the cage and the key. Ignorance is the sin of unconsciousness and insight is the freedom of truth…the awaking of who you really are. This insight must be found within you. You must go in to come out. Everything that is external (physical) is an illusion. It is real because you so choose. Jesus understood this and demonstrated it many times during his life. The key is, Belief Without Question. This is achieved through experience and reinforced through insight.
Mark 11:22–23 Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart, but believes that what they says will come to pass, it will be done for them.
Luke 8:48 Jesus said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.
An example of Belief Without Question, If someone covered your nose and mouth, your belief is that you would suffocate because you could not breathe. That is a belief without question and is held close by most individuals on the earth. Nonetheless, if you choose to believe differently and hold that belief without question then all things are possible, even walking on water.
Matthew 14:28–31 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” Jesus said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Simon Peter questioned the obvious truth with the Master standing before him and fell back into the illusion of his perception.
Remember, let the one who hears say, “Come”.
You must take baby steps to believe without question. Everyday is an adventure, everyday is a lesson to bring you one step closer to the truth. GOD is everything, everywhere and every moment of what you perceive. Simple stated, “GOD IS” and there are Truths that are found along your journey. These “Truths” are your stepping stones towards your belief, a belief without question.
A couple of thoughts to reflect upon:
- You are a Devine Expression of GOD. The Spirit of GOD is within you.
- What is written by GOD and place in motion by GOD, stays in motion until it is witness and/or experienced. Your cup, your journey, your lesson. So accept it and drink.
- Nothing can happen to you, unless you allow it. As it is written, so shall it be. Embrace every moment and give it 100%, because it is Divinely yours…Your Choice.
- GOD does not care about nomenclature, GOD, Universe, Spirit, The Presence, Etc. GOD cares about Communion and Expression. Hearing the words without sound and expressing the Glory that resides within you. That is key in the discovery of you.
- You are defined by your thoughts, your words and your deeds. Nothing else can define you, unless you give it power. Nothing else can bind you, unless you give it power. Freedom has always been yours. Remember Simon Peter and his question within the truth.
- GOD is LOVE, ACCEPTANCE and FORGIVENESS. Anything that differs is but a ripple from the Source. All ripples are GOD, however, purity is yours if you so choose.
- You are a unique thread of a great tapestry. A wave along the ocean making your journey to discover who you are. Smile because you are Awesome. Know the Truth and you will see the Beauty.
- Love GOD with all your heart, mind and soul. Love you neighbor as yourself. Are you so shallow and spiteful to harm yourself? The mirror of your neighbor’s eyes reflects the truth.
- You are unique and have a unique perception that only you and GOD share. Every moment a blessing, Every thought a gift and Every step an adventure along the journey home.
Dominic Don Crain said, “Come”.
Hear the Word, Serve the Will and Walk the Way.