April 13, 2020
Good Morning,
GOD is not about problems. GOD is about lessons and possibilities. Each lesson builds upon itself. Each possibility, a building block that pushes towards an expression of hope. GOD does not know despair. GOS is Love, GOD is Forgiveness, GOD is acceptance. GOD is.
GOD reaches out through us and says, “ Here is My Glory!”, “ Believe in Me, Commune with Me and I will show you the Way.” “I am the Word, I am the Song, I am The Bread of Life, I Am.”
Don’t look at the cover of your brothers and sisters, that is just an expression of their journey. That is their choice. That is their lesson that steps them towards communion. Instead, look past the flesh, inside their temple and see the Grace flowing through them, see the beauty, see the love, see the possibilities and you will see ME. I have no end. You have no end. Don’t fear the lies of illusion, see the truth…see Me. I AM the How. I AM the harbor you so desperately seek. I AM the beacon in the darkness and the arms that comfort you in times of loneliness and pain. For you are not alone, I Am always there. I Am Everything, Every thought, Every breath, Every moment of your journey. So why do you fear? Don’t you see Me? Do you look to those around you and see Me in their eyes. I Am there: standing, kneeling, laughing, crying, listening, loving, cradling, healing and teaching, I have never left you. I will never leave you. You have chosen to look past the truth. You have chosen another way, your way. This is fine, it is our path together. Still, I will be there with you. I commit myself to you, therefore, if you wish to follow the Path I have chosen, you must commit yourself to me. My Path is about Expression, My Path is about Possibilities, My Path is about Oneness, My Path is about Freedom, My Path is about meeting the challenge together, lifting each other up, and tearing down the Jericho walls between us. Yet, here we are…scared, worried, thinking of problems that do not exist. Call out to me and see the possibilities in the despair. Call out to me and see the beauty in the illusion. Call out to me and see the abundance in the lies. Call out to me and see the threads weave the tapestry that binds us. Call out to me and I will show you the Way.
Don’t Think Survival, Think Revival — The Word, The Will, The Way.