You are here in this moment to experience and witness your Truth.
And through your Truth, discover and understand who you truly are.
And express that discovery and understanding of who you are, in each moment you witness…this is the BEing of you.
You can never BE more than your understanding within the moment, this is your Truth. For you unfold the moment within the confined understanding of your Truth. This is the accepted belief of you and the purview of your landscape. Yet, within your understanding the unlimited potential of ALL Things can be found.
Your claim: I unfold each day in a perfect way. Each moment I witness, I claim my Truth and Express myself into BEing.
Most people are trapped beneath their own beliefs, thinking into limitations, instead of knowing themselves into the space of unlimited possibilities. You can only BE, what you allow yourself to BE. What you claim into BEing…You claim, therefore, you are. This is how you define and perceive yourself within the moment. This is your purview within the world.
Even a grain of sand resonates to define itself within the landscape. It understands the Truth within itself and All Things. It does not allow the world to shape it, it shapes itself within the world.
Yet, humans claim a lie of separation to All Things, to justify segregation, murder, war, slavery, judgement, superiority…Using the term”GOD”, to instill fear, manipulation and control. These individuals and their lack of understanding do not hear the song from the grain of sand and do not see the chord that resonates the unity of All Things.
Belief formed from an abstract is mere conjecture. Yet, belief formed from experience and acts of witness, empowers your understanding and confirms your belief. The caveat is that the act of witness is a singular perceptional understanding of the moment. The gift of GOD is your uniqueness in form, in perception, in understanding and in expression. So All things witnessed are individual Truths, between you and GOD. To accept someone’s truth without question or witness, is to deny your own Truth.
You have a choice: Be in the world and resonate in the world attached to all the claims of the world or BE in the world and resonate outside of the world, rise above the worldly claims of fear and the collective consciousness, rise above the stigma claim upon you by others and sing your song, your Truth of BEing.
To see beyond sight
To hear beyond sound
To feel beyond form
To speak beyond words and
To know beyond thought
Then and only then, will you travel beyond the known to the unknown. This is where you find the Truth in ALL Things. This is the realization of GOD. GOD is All Things and All Things are of GOD. Nothing exist without the Presence of GOD. This is the embodiment of Truth within the form. You must seek the path beyond the form to understand the form itself. This is knowing the claim,” I AM” and this claim can change your world. Not by changing the world, but by changing your perception of it. Stepping beyond the known to witness the unknown. Seeing the Truth in All Things. For All Things resonate in accordance to the understanding of their Truth. To expand your awareness is to reshape your Truth. Only you can make the choice to accept or deny the TRUTH.
Look into a mirror and ask yourself, “ Do I Truly Know Who I Am?”, and…if so, “ Do I Think I Know or Do I Truly Know?” For if you know your Truth, then the world cannot define you and fear cannot hinder you. So ask yourself, Am I thinking or Am I Knowing. When you see GOD in All Things, then you will understand what it is to “BE In GOD”. To BE in GOD is to understand the Truth and to sing your song without fear. To know you can never BE alone, because you are part of All Things…the moment you see yourself within the grain of sand.
Two excerpts from Paul Selig’s channeled text:
I know who I AM
I know what I AM
I know how I Serve
I AM Free, I AM Free, I AM Free
I know I am here
I know I have come
I know I have risen in joy and in love in my right to BE
I am here, I am here, I am here
These excerpts are about BEing and understanding your Truth in the moment.