Dominic Crain
4 min readDec 20, 2021



December 11, 2021

Good Morning Traveler,

Anyone who says they have the answer, does not understand the question. For the answer is unique within themselves.

Communion is understanding your relationship with ALL THAT IS. The Universal Constant that creates ALL THINGS, many refer to as GOD. It is the stillness of the moment that raises awareness to the TRUTH. So, how do you find the TRUTH? How do you unwrap the shroud of ignorance to expand your awareness? One hurdle is Ego. Ego is limited to the “I” mentality, myopic in scope. Were service is the “I AM” mentality, unlimited in scope. You need to acknowledge Ego has purpose, but is just a small portion of the larger picture. However, service to others, is service to self. This act is the vibration, momentum and expression of the larger picture. Service is the ripple that rides towards Communion and the whispers of TRUTH within yourself. Surrender is the key: 1. Surrender to an acceptance of others and their expression, 2. Surrender to the moment you are witnessing and experiencing, 3. Surrender to the ideology that you are and have everything you need in the moment you witness and finally, Surrender to the service you have been called upon to steward. Stewardship should always be freely given without the expectations of receipt. Nonetheless, the soil that is properly nurtured will always bear fruit. This is the Universal gift of Grace.

Surrender is to step away from what you think you are and step into what you know you are — Surrender brings peace.

Expression is your definition and your uniqueness within the tiles of the great mosaic. Each tile is just as important as the one adjacent to it and without “ALL” the pieces, the mosaic is incomplete. This is a critical thought in the understanding of Service…each moment you Serve the adjacent tile, the grander and brighter the mosaic becomes. This ideology is not limited to human beings, but to ALL Things. When we think of “All Things”, we find the “I AM” within ourselves, this is a glimpse of the great mosaic and a path to Communion with GOD.

Every moment is written, every moment is known, a moment needs to be witnessed to be fulfilled. You are a witness of the great mosaic, infinite moments within a single thought. Your viewpoint is your level of understanding. You are what you believe, the greater the belief, the greater the experience and the more profound the expression. This is how you uniquely define yourself within the Universal Constant. This is how you hear the words without sound. This is how you remove the blinders of the moment and increase your peripheral viewpoint of the TRUTH.

Your Thoughts, Words and Deeds are the colors to paint the TRUTH of your understanding. It is not the World that defines you, but what you do in the World that expresses your TRUTH.

TRUTH is demonstrated and never proclaimed. Proclamation is for the uncertain and vain, for the traveler knows that the Universal Constant hasn’t need nor want. Communion comes from within, not without. A silence louder than thunder and Love more powerful than the illusion itself.

Experience is not good or bad, right or wrong it is just a moment. Each moment carries a vibration, the understanding of that vibration is your expression of the TRUTH. Vibrations are powerful ripples that can manifest doorways or barriers within your life…love begets love, hate begets hate, judgment begets judgment, peace begets peace, et cetera. You are bound by the vibrations you embrace. The question is, what do you want in your life? For, everyone feels the vibration, but few bring attention to the vibration. Discarded for the race to nowhere. Lost within the propaganda of Ego’s global consciousness. Many will react, but few will take hold of the neck and press their fingers upon the fret to produce the desired notes. This is the ellipsis in your moment. This is what you look for, but never find.

Moments are like the seasons, they come and go. The only permanent thing in the World is change. Your willing acceptance of change reveals the fluidity of Spirit and the transformation of energy. This is the understanding of infinity and the path of the traveler. The traveler never dies, but shifts from one moment into the next, embracing each nuance to gain the knowledge that is witnessed and the beauty that is shared.

A travelers’ creed — Accept and you shall be accepted, raise and you shall be risen, freely give and you shall receive. You are the steward of your path, and in your TRUTH, you will be free.

Stillness in the moment brings whispers along your journey. Stillness is the quiet of self, a moment where you stop the momentum of your journey and observe the NOW. Everything is in motion, when you consciously stop your motion and reach out with your awareness, you will feel the current of life flow by you. Just like a rock in the stream that observes the ripples of the current. This is the cosmic song, the Word of GOD. Golden threads that weave the signatures of expression into a single voice. This is a result of Stillness, the observance of your connection to the Greater Consciousness and the understanding that the whole Earth is of one sound. The epiphany along the Travelers’ journey and the awakening to the sleeping child inside.

All doors are open to you, the moment you dismiss yourself in your disbelief is the moment you have confined yourself to your belief.



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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