January 8, 2022
Good Morning,
I have no want or need.
Think about this…
I can create anything and require nothing…I AM.
Do you truly understand the statement?
If I have no want or need and you are part of me…Then?
That is correct, you are the restriction of your experience. You are the creator of your mountains, the painter of your pain. Ironically, your Truth is closer than your breath and spiritual freedom is nearer than your hands and feet.
I AM YOUR WITNESS. I AM the Love you lost but always had. I AM the last piece of the puzzle, you cannot find, but sits between your fingers. I AM the song in the wind that You choose not to hear. I AM here with You, yet I AM denied. I WITNESS who you are, for You, not for ME. I know the beginning and the end. I AM the beginning and the end. I AM everything, I AM nothing and I AM ALL THINGS.
I have no want or need, what is done, is done for you. Remember our bond, what is done unto ME is done unto YOU. Your thoughts, words and deeds are the choices and lessons that I view.
To those who choose to hear MY WORDS, I say unto you:
I go before you and walk with you
I am your Witness and your Truth
Do not be afraid or feel discouraged
For I will never leave you nor forsake you
I am your strength you call upon from within
The light that shines upon your path
We have been in this moment so many times
And through your awareness, it shall begin
Know Me, Love Me and Believe - This is the time of Remembrance.