Dominic Crain
2 min readFeb 7, 2024

Thoughts I wanted to share…

We should Always Love and Accept each other. Anger, hate and fear are wasted energies of lower vibration. Love is to heal, Acceptance is to transform and uplift. We are here together to learn to release our baggage, to let go of the idea that we should BE what people say or what they claimed we should BE. Only you “Know” yourself and I want you to BE you. I will BE with you and accept you always. Sometimes, I may have trouble in my acceptance of you and become upset, because my understanding of you during that moment, does not meet a preconceived idea, that I believe is true. That does not make it right or wrong, it makes it an idea, that I am perceiving within the limits of my understanding. To say someone “should” is a judgment and denial of their right to BE. Judgement is a lower vibration and narrows the view of your expression. I want you to BE “you” in full expression of who you truly are…without fear.

To unfold, to understand and discover yourself as you. I want to BE me in no fear and I want us to BE “us” in no fear. We can BE more and more “US”, if we Love and Accept US…this is the Truth within the lies that we have been taught and conditioned along our travels in this life time.

No one knows you better than you and if someone tells you, “that you should or this is what you should do”, then it probably means they are of limited understanding and do not know themselves. This understanding, has been one of my life lessons I have been going through and I want to share it with you. To BE or not to BE, that is the moment of unfoldment.

I always try to focus on the moment and realize that GOD unfolds the moment before me in perfect ways. That doesn’t mean I always understand and/or like the experience. What I do understand is it is mine and it is for my highest good (lessons can be painful, as well as wonderful). Something else that I know…I know we are meant to travel this road together. I could not make this journey without you and when you look at our children, our home, our life, you can see the beauty of the world we made, it was made by us in perfect ways. I Love You.

When we are in the knowing and see beyond the illusion of the world, we are free…the Truth is inside of you and me.

Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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