Dominic Crain
5 min readNov 27, 2021



Nov 22, 2021

Good Morning Brother,

I understand that life’s lessons do not always travel down the most desirable roads within our limited perception. The perception that uses Ego’s filter is a narrow lens and obscures the Truth at times. To understand the Truth you need to view through a wider lens. In my words you read, I speak of what I have witnessed or experienced, nothing more, nothing less. The Universal Consciousness (GOD) is a sentient energy of myriad expressions within one collective thought. This thought produces an infinite number of realities and events that happen in a single moment. You travel down an infinite number of roads leading in one direction towards the Truth…the realization of Self. GOD has no want other than your want. However, more importantly, do you know what you really want? Do you see the path of your lesson or just revel in the pain of your limited understanding? You have made a path, your path, it is yours and yours alone…so, redefine it. Look for the lesson within the experience to understand the Truth. You are in this world, not of this world. You are a spiritual traveler experiencing the human expression. The global human consciousness is a measure of what you embrace as reality. Your perception gives it substance, yet it is a far cry from the Truth. Deep inside your layered form is the Truth. Shift your awareness inside to reveal the Truth outside. You are energy, fluid in nature and poured into a form of the human expression. Your human shell is just a tiny piece of the Truth, it is not your True Self. You are a singular vibratory thread of Infinite Consciousness, not the clunky limited form you see in the mirror. The issue is your experience, knowledge and understanding of who you are.

The human expression is a tapestry of color that paints the illusions of the Ego. These portraits of deception keep you distracted from understanding the Truth. It makes you believe you understand through religion, science and mundane propaganda, yet, this is the blind leading the blind. You cannot teach the Truth, the Truth must come from within and through your personal experience of the moment. Your belief and awareness should be derived through the personal experience of the Truth. This you will understand once you have experience it. The knowledge of the Truth, is the difference within the scope of your perception.

You will always be in the perfect moment to learn the perfect lesson to bring you one step closer to the Truth.

Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive. Know yourself, step from the path of the Ego unto the path of the Spirit. You can live a life of ignorance or understanding, the choice is always yours and the lessons you wish to learn. If you are reading these words, know you are considering understanding. If you dismiss these words, know you have made a choice. It is not right nor wrong, but perfect for you. You can be no more than what you need to be and you are the perfect you. Perfection begets Perfection, GOD is all moments, all things. This is the paradox of religious understanding. You cannot have a perfect GOD without perfect creation, therefore, this moment is perfect, your breath is perfect and you are exactly what you need to be with exactly what you need to define the moment…Life is not by chance, but by purpose. The Human Expression is all about experience, learning and defining. You can’t experience hate if there is no hate, you can’t experience war, if there is no war, you can’t experience loss without want, you can’t experience death, if you do not believe you’re mortal…The bond of the agreement cannot be broken. What GOD places in motion stays in motion until it is experienced or witnessed. Each nuance, each step created uniquely for you to gain a greater scope of the Perfection within the illusion.

I will make a bold statement, GOD cannot leave you and you cannot leave GOD…GOD IS! Therefore, you are never alone and the Universal Consciouness is ALWAYS there to guide you. However, are you willing to let go and accept the help…are you ready to listen? In truth, many are not, some take the pain of misunderstanding to new levels…where will you take yours?

The energy of Collective Truth cannot be destroyed. The Golden Thread of your signature (Your Spirit) is a ripple of Infinity…timeless, spaceless, unlimited in transformation. Any conscious thought that hinders the Truth limits the vessel — You are what you believe. You are and will always be part of that which IS…you are a Divine Expression. A whisper of the Greater Voice experiencing the illusion of the human collective consciousness, I refer to as Ego. This illusion is only as real as you perceive it. Your level of understanding is your knowledge of the difference.

The universe is the constant, you are the catalyst of change. You weave and transform energy to shape your experience. Witnessed energy conforms to the witness. The caveat, this is not a solo act with a singular note, this is a multi-dimensional symphonic weave happening in a single moment. Each thread plays upon the one woven next to it creating new pathways to walk upon or new hurdles to challenge you. Nonetheless, this is your moment, embrace the lesson, expand the peripheral to see the nuance of the Truth. You must go within or go without. These are the steps of the Spirit, a path without form, for your steps create each moment, woven into the steps of those threads around you.

Remember, in the absence of the illusion you find the greatest Truth. You are a multi-dimensional, multi-layered, woven vibration of the infinite symphonic consciousness that exist to define and learn the Truth within the singular expression you refer to as you.

A Call to Truth

Give me the awareness to understand the moment, courage to accept the moment is mine and wisdom to embrace the lesson within the moment as my expression that I define. - D



Dominic Crain
Dominic Crain

Written by Dominic Crain

Mr. Crain believes that no two spiritual journeys are the same, they are as unique as you are. Each moment a special gift and a new discovery.

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